In this week’s episode of the The Banter Roundtable Podcast, Ben, Bob and Justin dedicate most of the show discussing the Democrats’ big loss in Virginia and what they (and we) can do to stop the bleeding. What is on the line? Only democracy and the future of the Republic. But hey, we’ve got time right? Well, no actually…
Also on the show we discuss the media’s distortion of Trumpism in Montana and little Marco Rubio’s amazingly stupid new economic philosophy.
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Discussed in the show today:
(Members Only) Bob Cesca: After Virginia, Democrats Must Get Better At One Thing To Stop Trump In 2024
It isn't rocket science, but the Left needs to take on the rising fascist idiocracy in America with a much better strategy.
(Free to read) Ben Cohen: Marco Rubio's Hilarious New Economic Philosophy
"Working Class Marco" wants to rebrand Trumpism so he can become relevant again. The problem is, it makes no sense whatsoever.
(Members Only) Justin Rosario: MAGAs Turned Montana Ugly So Let's Blame "Both Sides"
Every bit of ugliness can be laid at the feet of Republicans.
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