F**king Mondays: Moon Fails, The Humiliation Games And Destructive Liberals
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Welcome to another edition of “F**king Mondays,” a round up of the most entertaining stories to start your week off!
The humiliation candidate won’t debate
In the least surprising news ever:
It’s hard to say whether this is a smart move for Trump. On the plus side, Trump will avoid a brutal grilling from the only sane candidate running against him, Chris Christie. Christie is on a one man suicide mission to take Trump down, and he is remarkably effective at skewering the former president. Christie has absolutely no shot at winning whatsoever but he is a former federal prosecutor and formidable debater. Christie holds a real grudge against Trump, and for good reason.
Back in 2020, Trump basically tried to kill Christie by knowingly exposing him to Covid. Trump knew he had tested positive for the virus but did not tell Christie, who sat in a room with him unmasked for four days to prepare for the debates against President Biden. Christie became desperately ill and was admitted to an intensive care unit for seven days. Fast forward to 2023 and Christie is ready to take his revenge. He has toured the country with his anti-Trump message, eviscerating the former president for the crimes he committed against his country. Upon learning that Trump will not be taking part in the debates, Christie called him “a certified loser” and “verified coward” — all of which is true.
Unfortunately for Christie (and the country) it doesn’t really matter. Christie’s poll numbers are so low he has a bigger chance of winning the lottery than defeating Trump. Trump knows Christie could damage him in the debates — not enough to dent his lead — but enough to sour public opinion, so he’s simply not doing them. Trump also knows it will infuriate the other candidates and force them to talk about him incessantly in the debates. The net result? More humiliation for his opponents and more attention on Donald Trump.
Destructive liberalism
Alleged liberal and former Bernie Sanders National Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray wants to break the “corporate duopoly” in the upcoming election. How? By electing Cornel West:
There are a few logical flaws with Gray’s “strategic choice” candidate. Firstly, Cornel West has no chance of winning the general election as a third party candidate. He doesn’t have enough money, a broad enough appeal, or a serious campaign infrastructure to speak of. He won’t win a single moderate, conservative or MAGA vote, so the only thing West can do is draw votes away from President Biden. Both Ralph Nader in 2000 and Jill Stein in 2016 played this game and likely cost Al Gore and Hillary Clinton the election by taking away crucial votes in swing states. Given the razor thin margins in some of these swing states, West absolutely has the power to do that to Biden. As Thom Hartmann points out:
In Florida in 2000, Ralph Nader on the Green Party’s ticket got 97,488 votes, while George W. Bush “won” Florida by 537 votes.
It strains credulity to assert that the majority of Nader’s voters would have either voted for Bush or not voted at all, which is why when David Cobb ran for president on the Green Party ticket in 2004, he explicitly told people in swing states not to vote for him but to cast their ballots for John Kerry instead.
Jill Stein had no such moral compunction with her Green Party candidacy in 2016. Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin provided Trump’s margin of victory in the Electoral College over Hillary Clinton, and, in each of those states, Stein pulled more votes than Trump’s margin.
West won’t be following the Cobb strategy, so he will do everything in his power to destroy Biden — a major goal of left wing agitators who believe incorrectly that Democrats and Republicans are just as bad as each other. That means Donald Trump gets elected President in 2024, and the guaranteed end of democracy as we know it.
You might not like President Biden or think much of the Democrats, but they are demonstrably less corrupt and infinitely less dangerous than the GOP. More than that, they believe in and abide by the rules of democracy. The Republican Party under Donald Trump is not interested in democracy, and will work to destroy it if Trump returns to office, all of which is outlined in an explicit detail by Trump surrogates.
Both West and Gray are highly intelligent so they do understand what a Green Party candidacy means. They just don’t care.
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Russia’s moon crash
Add this to the list of spectacular Russian failures:
Russia’s first lunar mission in decades has ended in failure with its Luna 25 spacecraft crashing into the moon’s surface. The incident, a blow to Russia’s space ambitions, happened after communication with the robotic spacecraft was interrupted. Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, said it lost touch with Luna 25 on Saturday around 2:57 p.m. Moscow time.
“The measures taken on August 19 and 20 to search for the device and get into contact with it did not yield any results,” the space agency reported.
According to a “preliminary analysis,” Luna-25 “switched to an off-design orbit” before the collision, Roscosmos said. It was not immediately clear what caused the crash.
No one should be gloating over the crash, but given no one died and it severely tarnishes Russia’s reputation and public morale, this is quite good news for Ukraine. Russia prides itself on having some of the world’s greatest scientists and it has a remarkable history of space exploration. A crash like this is extremely humiliating for the Kremlin, particularly when Russia is being routed on the battlefield by a much smaller and supposedly weaker opponent.
A Ukrainian victory is still far from guaranteed, but psychological blows like this can only help. And of course, the internet remains undefeated:
See you next week!
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Absolutely correct assessment of Cornel West's candidacy (and, I'd add "No Labels" to the list of people clearly trying to get Donald Trump back into the White House.
In Russia, Moon lands on you