Saturday Roundup: Sharks vs Boats, Trump's Birthday, Briahna Joy Gray, And Conservative Biden Hate
In case you missed it, here's what we covered!
In case you missed the action at The Banter this past week, here’s what we covered!:
Rich Herschlag pens a thoughtful birthday tribute to Donald Trump (Free):
Happy Birthday Donald Trump!
Bob Cesca on why voting for Trump means “writing the sad, stupid epitaph for humanity” (Members):
Sharks Versus Boats Versus The Future Of Humanity
My piece on former Hill presenter Briahna Joy Gray’s appalling antisemitism and why left wing ideologues are destroying the debate over Israel/Palestine (Free):
Justin Rosario asks why the Never Trump columnist Kathleen Parker hates Joe Biden so much (Members):
Kathleen Parker's Partisan Panic: When 'Never Trump' Really Means 'Biden Bashing'