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Welcome to this week’s edition of The Banter Brief, your ultimate guide to the week that was!

1. Most Important Story Of The Week
Bernie Sanders is now favorite
Bernie Sanders is officially the front runner of the Democratic primary after edging out a competitive Pete Buttigieg, and a surprise surge from Amy Klobuchar in New Hampshire. This is important for several reasons. First, Sanders is going to be extremely difficult to beat from now on out The centrist candidates are eating into each other’s voters, and the hard left is solidifying around Sanders. Second, the DNC is now in panic mode given its preference for a moderate whom they think can a) beat Donald Trump, and b) help them hold onto the House. If Klobuchar and Biden drop out, Buttigieg might have a chance (or even Mike Bloomberg), but given the low probability of this happening, Sanders has a very clear path to victory.
While not ideal for many Democrats, this might not be such a bad thing. Sanders has several advantages over Donald Trump that should not be overlooked, and there are signs Trump is beginning to worry about the Senator from Vermont.
Read more for Banter Members:
If Bernie Wins, Sign Me Up. He Can Beat Trump.

I don't support Bernie Sanders, but he is more than capable of beating Trump, says Ben Cohen.
2. Poll Analysis
Trump: According to 538, Trump’s approval rating is 43.3%, down 0.5% from last week. What does this mean? Not much given Trump’s approval rating has been in the toilet since coming into office. However, his rating with Republican voters remains sky high.
Democrats: As his candidacy hangs in the balance, Joe Biden is still favorite in South Carolina. However, Bernie Sanders is up in the two most important states for Super Tuesday, Texas and California.
2020: Although very early, polling across the board shows Bernie Sanders thumping Trump in 2020.
3. Quote Of The Week
“They’re sitting there and they’re [the Democrats] looking at Mayor Pete — a 37-year-old gay guy, mayor of South Bend, loves to kiss his husband on the debate stage. And they’re saying, okay, how’s this going to look, a 37-year-old gay guy kissing his husband onstage next to Mr. Man Donald Trump? What’s going to happen there?.…despite all the great wokeness and despite all the great ground that's been covered, that America's still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage president."
- Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh on why he believes Democrats will reject Pete Buttigieg
4. What to Watch
The Stranger

If you’re a fan of crime thrillers, you cannot go wrong with Netflix’s The Stranger. Set in Manchester, UK, The Stranger follows devoted dad and husband Adam Price as the life as he knew it collapses around him. A stranger hands him a document revealing a dark, strange secret about his wife, who then goes missing. Desperate to uncover the truth and find his wife, Price begins to uncover a vast web of deceits and lies that shake the foundation of who he believes he is.
The plot is complex, fast paced, and a little tricky to follow, but it is absolutely worth the ride. Also, pay attention to the details as the director leaves subtle, but important clues in every episode. It’s first rate television and already one of the best crime thrillers of the year.
5. Good News
Court rebukes Trump over Medicaid work requirements
As bad as things are with the Trump administration, the legal system in America still appears to be functioning reasonably well. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled today that the White House had acted unlawfully and that the Arkansas Works program approved by Health Secretary was "arbitrary and capricious." From Axios:
The Trump administration violated federal law by allowing red states to impose work requirements on their Medicaid programs, a federal appeals court ruled Friday. The court said the administration had not properly justified its decision, and that it was out of step with Medicaid's statutory goals.
Have a great weekend!
”If Bernie Wins, Sign Me Up.”
Not my first choice but, if he wins, yeah, sigh me up.
Saw a bumper sticker today:
*********** 2020 ***********
The REAL primaries are just getting started. Sanders is going to have a very difficult time getting support from the African American community, and you will NOT end up the Democrats' nominee without their support as well as support from POC, no matter what bullshit the BernieBums are spewing.
And I don't see how barely losing to a state tailor made to him in Iowa, and just barely winning a state that is right next door to Vermont, and in which he dominated in 2016 in New Hampshire, and which he wasn't the winner in delegates in both states, is a obvious sign that Sanders is the clear winner for the nomination.
Bernie Sanders WILL lose to Drumpf if he's the nominee. Bigly. PERIOD