Welcome to this week’s edition of The Banter Brief, the best round up on the internet! Not signed up? Get it for free every week:
1. Most Important Story Of The Week

America Reverses All Coronavirus Progress
There were several ways to look at the Coronavirus Pandemic when it began, some of them helpful, some of them not. If America had chosen to look at the pandemic as an important wake up call and taken drastic steps to a) curb the spread of infection by wearing masks and staying home, b) upgrade failing health care infrastructure, c) redistribute wealth more equally, and d) pay attention to the catastrophic effect human behavior is having on the natural world, then the country would be in a very, very different place.
Instead, president Trump started vicious culture war that pitted responsible citizens who stayed at home, wore masks when going out and listened to scientists, against “freedom fighting” cult worshippers who were convinced the pandemic was a liberal conspiracy, thought wearing mask was for sissies, and demanded the right to infect others. Five months after the pandemic hit the US, the nation suffered a record day of COVID-19 infections yesterday. 55,220 to be precise, up from the previous record set the day before on Wednesday of 52,789. Unemployment insurance is running out, jobs are disintegrating and there are no new stimulus checks on the horizon.
It didn’t have to be this way. Unfortunately we’re stuck in this situation that will only get better when America finally looks at the mess it created and takes full responsibility for it. And that of course, starts with the president.
(Pool photo by Ian Langsdon)
2. Poll Analysis
An interesting trend happening in election polling right now is the total divergence of the stock market with Trump’s popularity. The stock market is up, but Trump’s numbers are down. Way, way down. According to a recent YouGov/Economist survey, a mere 10% of Americans now think the stock market is the best indicator of the nation's economic health. That is not good for Trump. Just look at the swing states (via Real Clear Politics:

Furthermore, the Democrats are gaining ground in their bid to take the Senate, taking the lead in three crucial races in Arizona, Michigan and North Carolina.
Go Deeper With Banter Members:
There's A Devious Way To Help Get Donald Trump Out Of Office
It's a highly effective and proven tactic that will make space for Joe Biden to smash Trump into oblivion in November, says Ben Cohen
3. Quote Of The Week
“I have the answer they’re looking for. There is something the president can do to turn things around in the four months he has left before the election. It’s not a staff shakeup, or a newly honed message, or a wittier nickname for Biden. All he has to do is change absolutely everything about how he confronts the two great crises facing the country. In other words, if he wants to get reelected, he needs to do his job.”
- Washington Post columnist Paul Waldman on the impossible step Trump needs to take in order to turn the election around.
4. What to Watch

What: ‘Betas’, a comedy about four computer nerds attempting to get funding for a Silicon Valley social networking app.
Why: Although it only ran for one series, ‘Betas’ is great little series. A brutally satirical take on Silicon Valley startup culture, the show follows four friends as they navigate the surreal world of venture capital in tech fantasy land (otherwise known as San Francisco). It takes a couple of episodes to warm up, and once you get over the impossibly young actors awkwardness, it settles into a well produced, bitingly funny comedy with a heart. Anyone working in the tech startup world or in a co-working space be warned, it is uncomfortably realistic.
Where: Amazon Prime
5. Good News
In a blow to Trump and the GOP, the Supreme Court reversed the Louisiana law restricting abortion in the state:
The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that required doctors who perform abortions in the state to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals. This was the first major abortion case before the Supreme Court since President Trump added two new conservative justices to the bench — and was one piece in the anti-abortion movement’s long-term, sustained effort to limit access to the procedure through a latticework of state laws.
Conservative Chief Justice Roberts voted to strike down the law because he was bound by an earlier precedent (that he disagreed with) in Texas.
Have a great weekend!
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There's A Devious Way To Help Get Donald Trump Out Of Office
It's a highly effective and proven tactic that will make space for Joe Biden to smash Trump into oblivion in November. by Ben Cohen

Trump's Escalation Just Took A Significant Turn For The Worse
Up until the Tulsa rally, Trump had convinced himself that no matter what the polls said, he was winning, and winning big. By Justin Rosario