The Banter Brief: Trump's Orgy Of Hate, Don't Panic Democrats, And Bye Kellyanne!
As with everything Trump touches, Kellyanne Conway’s family is likely broken beyond repair.
Welcome to this week’s edition of The Banter Brief!

(image via NYPost)
1. Most Important Story Of The Week
Night two of the Republican Convention
This week some of us were brave (or crazy) enough to watch the Republican Convention. The orgy of nationalistic fervor, hate, and insanity was apparently Trump’s attempt to “reset” the race and show the country how serious he is about defeating Joe Biden. Some Americans seem to like overt displays of cult-like fascism, and Trump and his band of sociopathic criminals did not disappoint.
Most notably though, was night two of the convention when Trump egregiously broke a number of laws and forever desecrated the sanctity of presidential elections in America. As Bob Cesca wrote:
It’s important to emphasize what happened on Tuesday. It was perhaps the most horrendously cynical and exploitative political event I’ve ever witnessed -- and that view was shared by historians, other journalists, and citizen observers alike.
Trump has now broken so many laws and destroyed so many political norms that this will be a mere footnote in future historical accounts of his presidency. But it is always worth remembering that it shouldn’t have to be this way, and that calling out the lies and the criminality is still vitally important.
This week’s convention has made clear what the choice is in November: Joe Biden, or a criminal fascistic regime that will bring an end to American democracy once and for all.
Go in depth with Banter Members:
Banter Members: An Illegal, Exploitative Nightmare
While you’ve likely already watched the third night of the convention, it’s important to emphasize what happened on Tuesday, says Bob Cesca
2. Poll Analysis
Despite the polls tightening in a number of key states, every reputable polling model still has Biden comfortably winning the election. Here’s The Economist’s projection, created by combining “state and national polls with economic indicators to predict a range of outcomes”:’s projection is a little closer, but by their calculation it is almost impossible for Trump to win given Democrats already have 278 electoral votes pretty much in the bag:

Of course Democrats shouldn’t get too happy, but they can genuinely look forward to November and the very good odds that Trump will be defeated, humiliated, and out of government for good.
3. Quote Of The Week
“Ever since the dawn of the #MeToo movement, affronted male readers have occasionally written me to say they are tired of reading about toxic masculinity all the time and wondering whether there was a female corollary: toxic femininity. If there is, I can’t help but think it looks like Kellyanne Conway: someone who takes the stereotypical gentle niceties we once sent girls to charm school to learn — and uses them to sow information chaos.”
- The Washington Post’s Monica Hesse on Kellyanne Conway’s departure from the White House
4. What to Watch

What: ‘Kingdom’ — the Byron Balasco created show about a retired MMA fighter’s battle to keep his gym open and family together in Venice Beach.
Why: You might not be a fan of Mixed Martial Arts, but the people attracted to the sport are by far some of the most interesting characters in professional sports. ‘Kingdom’ does an absolutely phenomenal job of portraying the wild, often contradictory lives of fighters and people associated with the sport. The enigmatic Frank Grillo plays Alvey, a former fighting legend trying to find a rising star to boost the reputation of his gym. Alvey has to manage his two fighting sons (played by Nick Jonas and Jonathan Tucker), the never ending flow of lost souls floating in and out of his gym, a tumultuous past, and volatile protege who threatens to destabilize his fragile business.
Every character in the show is intriguing, the drama absolutely engrossing, and the dialogue top notch. Grillo, Jonas and Tucker really stand out to make this must watch TV.
Where: Netflix
5. Good News
Kellyanne Conway is out!
Kellyanne Conway’s daughter Claudia Conway appears to be responsible for torpedoing her mother’s career after she demanded emancipation from her parents on social media. A vocal critic of the president, Conway, 15, has accused both her parents of physical and emotional abuse, and labeled Kellyanne Conway a “sociopath”. It is impossible to know how much of this is true, but the end result has been incredibly positive for the rest of the country. Conway might be a sociopathic monster, but she has been an incredibly effective counselor to the president. With her resignation earlier this week and departure from The White House, Trump’s campaign will almost certainly suffer for it. There are few steady hands left in Trump’s orbit, and even fewer who can reach out to the suburban women Trump needs to get re-elected.
As with everything Trump touches, Kellyanne Conway’s family is likely broken beyond repair. That is a shame, and one should empathize greatly with the children. But no one should ever feel sorry for Kellyanne. She who knew exactly who Trump was, then sold her soul to shill for him.
Have a great weekend!
Read the latest for Banter Members:
An Illegal, Exploitative Nightmare
While you’ve likely already watched the third night of the convention, it’s important to emphasize what happened on Tuesday, says Bob Cesca

Inside The GOP Convention: No Plans, No Policies, Just Madness And The Destruction Of American Democracy
The Trump themed GOP convention puts the horror show of 2016 to shame, says Ben Cohen.

Thank You Trump, May I Have Another?
Trump supporters are Kevin Bacon screaming for another merciless paddle whack, says Rich Herschlag

Wishing nothing but bad things for Kelly Anne. She deserves them.
"Of course Democrats shouldn’t get too happy, but they can genuinely look forward to November and the very good odds that Trump will be defeated, humiliated, and out of government for good."
Democrats WON'T get complacent! And NEITHER will the voting public, who are far too pissed off at the unmitigated shitshow Drumpf and the Republicans have caused, what with the coronavirus being allowed to get criminally out of control, the economy damaged as a result, and racial unrest that Drumpf encouraged to allow, like the events this week in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
As I said before, this is NOT 2016! And Drumpf the president is NOT Drumpf the outsider candidate! America WILL have its eye on whatever evil shit they try and pull, and they will NOT be allowed to get away with it this time!