Happy Friday everyone and welcome to this week’s edition of The Banter Brief! Before we get going, make sure you get your Banter Subscription today so you can read our Subscriber only posts. It’s free for 14 days so there are no risks! Here’s what you missed out on:
Donald Trump Is Officially Impeached -- And It Terrifies Him - Bob Cesca on the momentous occasion for the rule of law and the Constitution in America, and why it scares Donald Trump to death.
The Fifth Avenue Defense - Rich Herschlag on the best defense of Trump you’ve never heard.
The Right's Demands For Civility Are A Sign Of Fear - Justin Rosario on why Republicans are trying to play nice with Democrats.
1. Most important story of the week

Donald Trump is officially being impeached. Yes, he is going to be exonerated in the Senate (if it ever gets there given Mitch McConnell’s refusal to promise a fair hearing), and yes Trump supporters are still as convinced as ever their man is innocent. But it is a momentous occasion that Americans should be proud of. Why? Because Congress is doing its job and holding the executive to account for blatant and egregious abuses of power.
Impeachment has been a strictly partisan affair, but that isn’t because there are two sides to the story. The Republican Party is actively lying, distorting and gaslighting the public in order to defend Trump, while the Democrats have admirably stuck to the facts and presented a rock solid case for impeachment and removal. Trump will be exonerated because Republicans are too cowardly to stand up to him and refuse to put their country before their own careers. It is a shameful moment in history for the GOP, but an immensely proud one for the Democrats.
Banter Subscribers can read Bob Cesca’s blistering take here:
Donald Trump Is Officially Impeached -- And It Terrifies Him - by Bob Cesca
(image via the Guardian)
2. Poll Analysis
Impeachment: The polls are narrowing, but a slight majority still favor impeachment and removal.
Trump: Trump’s popularity with the military is slipping, with under half of all all US troops supporting him. Not a great sign given the military traditionally sides with Republicans. Poll averages show Trump’s overall approval rating is up slightly over last week, but the bar is low, so hard to read much into it.
Democrats: While there was a big debate last night, the polls won’t reflect anything from it just yet. The big (?) news is that Joe Biden is holding onto his lead and remains the clear favorite, and the debate probably didn’t change anything.
3. Quote of the Week
“The divide is vast and still widening between the parties. One appeals to college-educated voters who consume factual information and develop emotional intelligence as they navigate through diverse workplaces and school settings. The other party appeals to non-college-educated voters who claim the bully president as their own and consume hours upon hours of right-wing media, which panders to ignorance and prejudice, not to mention to amoral profiteers who have figured out how to monetize the right-wing nuttery. (More cynical operators trade on the supposed “authenticity” of those they would claim to be “real Americans” in exchange for judges and robber-baron economics.) Republican politicians and their base not only ape Trump’s views but also imitate his unhinged demeanor, cruelty and preference for conspiracy theories.”
- Jennifer Rubin on the spectacular demise of the Republican Party during the impeachment of Donald Trump
4. What to watch

This PBS series is absolutely phenomenal and great holiday watching. Beautifully shot and narrated by Liev Schreiber, ‘Civilizations’ looks at the role art and architecture have played in the evolution of humanity. The series was inspired by art historian Kenneth Clark's classic BBC documentary series from the 1960s, and it does the original great justice.
The art historians featured in the series take a deep dive into the psyche of our ancestors throughout history, exploring humanity’s earliest cave paintings in Spain, the astounding architecture in the ancient city of Petra in Jordan, and the breathtaking temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
The questions they ask are eternal: where did art come from? What is language? What prompted this sudden creative outburst in our species that appears to separate us from all other life on planet earth? Our ancestors have left us the most glorious puzzle, and ‘Civilizations’ reminds us just how mysterious our history really is.
5. Good News
The prominent evangelical magazine Christianity Today has officially called for Donald Trump’s removal from office. Mark Galli, the editor in chief of Christianity Today, pulled few punches in what was a blistering attack on the president. He wrote:
The facts in this instance are unambiguous: The president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents. That is not only a violation of the Constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.
The reason many are not shocked about this is that this president has dumbed down the idea of morality in his administration. He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals. He himself has admitted to immoral actions in business and his relationship with women, about which he remains proud. His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused.
Trump responded by calling the magazine “far left” and declared his phone call with the Ukrainian president “perfect”. He also claimed that “No President has done more for the Evangelical community”.
The editorial marks a turning point for the Evangelical Christian movement that has been remarkably quiet during Trump’s presidency. When prominent voices within the community call for his removal, it is a sign Trump’s base is beginning to crack.
Happy Holidays!
Read the latest for Banter Subscribers:
Donald Trump Is Officially Impeached -- And It Terrifies Him - by Bob Cesca
The Fifth Avenue Defense - by Rich Herschlag
The Right's Demands For Civility Are A Sign Of Fear - by Justin Rosario
“...it is a sign Trump’s base is beginning to crack.“
If true, and the left manage to avoid being purist snowflakes, we just might manage to stop Trump’s re-election.