Trump Will Use Coronavirus To Steal The 2020 Election From Biden
It’s the nightmare scenario we’ve all been thinking about since November 9, 2016.
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by Bob Cesca
WASHINGTON, DC -- One of the ongoing issues with liberal activists, not to mention Democrats in general, is that we tend to be a little slow-on-the-uptake when it comes to either Republican shenanigans, or liberal causes that deserve more attention. Specifically, we too often jump on board with an event, court decision, or scandal after it’s too late to reverse the course of whatever’s happening.
I’m not a futurist, but this last-minute reaction time on the left is one reason why I sometimes warn about possible catastrophes perhaps a year or more ahead of schedule. I’m not always right, but I figure if we have a road map -- some sort of heads up for what’s next, it’s easier to be prepared when some of these eventualities hit the fan. Donald Trump is a crook, and as we’ve seen with performance-enhancing-drugs in sports, the crooks are always one step ahead of the regulators. We need to reverse that, especially given the political stakes of the November election.
Specifically, one of the most terrifying things I’m seeing on the horizon is the possibility that Trump will somehow exploit either the courts or the coronavirus or both to disrupt the November 3 election. It’s the nightmare scenario we’ve all been thinking about since November 9, 2016, and now, there are circumstances that might allow it to come true.
It’s important to note here that the president doesn’t have the authority to simply postpone or cancel an election. But he can certainly disrupt an election. Hell, Trump disrupted the 2016 election and he wasn’t even president at the time. Instead, it was his boss, Putin, who handled that as Trump’s proxy. This year, however, he’s got Putin, plus his disinformation “Death Star” accosting Facebook users with agitprop, and now he’s also got the coronavirus and our collective urge to protect ourselves from getting it. Trump also has the federal courts, which have been stacked with hundreds of Trump loyalists, thanks in part to Moscow Mitch. (cont. below)
Go Deeper With Banter Members: The Smearing Of Joe Biden (Part 1): Why His #MeToo Accuser Is Not Credible

Tara Reade's account of being sexually assaulted by Joe Biden is troubling, but upon further scrutiny, basic facts do not add up, says Ben Cohen.
There’s no way of knowing exactly how he’ll do it, but it could involve all of those things as well as a propaganda campaign that’s already underway by the White House and the conservative entertainment complex to drive down voter turnout by demonizing mail-in balloting.
For the past several episodes of the Trump Show, he’s been falsely suggesting that mail-in ballots are corrupt, and the only method of voting he’ll accept as valid is Voter ID supported in-person voting. Ironically, the most notorious example of absentee ballot “corruption” was by North Carolina Republicans who criminally tampered with mail-in voting to elevate Mark Harris in the 9th congressional district race back in 2018. It’s also worth noting here that voter fraud is statistically nonexistent here, leaving Voter ID as nothing more than another way for Republicans to suppress turnout. And suppressed turnout tends to benefit the GOP.
Nevertheless, Trump’s talent for repeating the same bullshit on endless loop will help to inject his anti-mail-in nonsense into the softened skulls of at least 40 percent of the voting population, perhaps more, given how Voter ID has also been confoundingly popular among some Democrats.
Meanwhile, knowing that coronavirus cases could surge again when the weather turns cold, say mid-October in many parts of the nation, Democrats and secretaries of state will be planning ahead with alternative methods of voting on and before November 3, including mail-in ballots. It’s safe to assume that many of the states run by pro-Trump governors or states controlled by pro-Trump courts will repeat what happened with the state supreme court in Wisconsin, refusing to accommodate alternative balloting and forcing people to the polls, despite the harrowing circumstances. In other words, many of the traditionally blue states will roll out alternative voting systems, while Trump states will insist on in-person voting, even if the virus returns for another round.
So, how does Trump stop the election? He doesn’t actually.
Trump will wait to see if he’s doing poorly, and if he has a bad night on November 3, it’s possible that a team of Trump campaign lawyers will fan out to all the areas where the vote is close, probably purple or blue districts, to sue the boards of elections to prevent or even toss out the certification of the vote totals. On what grounds, you might ask? Obviously, those allegedly corrupt mail-in ballots. And if Trump’s lawyers land in courtrooms belonging to the Red Hat judges Trump appointed, there could be successful rulings to, perhaps, stay the election results or, in the worst case scenario, toss out the results entirely. Depending on how the numbers stack up on election night, it’s also possible the lawsuits could be restricted to key counties or even precincts rather than entire states.
After lengthy court battles, and if votes are tossed out, thousands of citizens could be disenfranchised by Trump’s judges. In other cases, re-votes during special elections might be held. In mid-winter. During a possible resurgence in the pandemic. Turnout would therefore be greatly reduced, and a narrow advantage for Joe Biden could turn into a Trump victory and, yeah, four more years of destruction.
This is the condensed version of such a scenario, for sure. And it might not go down exactly like this, but it seems as though a convergence between this new blitz against mail-in ballots, along with Trump’s historic exploitation of the courts to disrupt everything from the impeachment to the release of his tax returns, will be the nuclear bombs Trump will need to win by cheating.
The only question remains: what do we do about it? For now, it’s all about approaching the 2020 election with our eyes open, knowing what Trump has done in the past and how he might act to preserve his presidency in the near future. He’s working on his next moves already. Likewise, we have to do the same, whether that means warning our members of Congress or by simply overwhelming the vote so that even if ballots are tossed out, there are still enough to win the electoral college.
It’s also possible everything will go smoothly. But, seriously, do we really believe Trump will concede and go away if he loses? And if anyone believes that’ll be the case, I have some magic beans to sell you.
(image via Getty images)
Read the latest for Banter Members:
NOTE: We are doing a two part special report on how the far left and far right are smearing Joe Biden in the lead up to the 2020 election. The first part of the series investigates the claims made by Tara Reade, who says Biden sexually assaulted her in the 1990’s. You can read the first part here:
The Smearing Of Joe Biden (Part 1): Why His #MeToo Accuser Is Not Credible
Tara Reade's account of being sexually assaulted by Joe Biden is troubling, but upon further scrutiny, basic facts do not add up, says Ben Cohen.

White House Insider: "Trump Is Killing His Own Supporters"
Trump supporters didn’t prepare for the Coronavirus crisis because they didn’t think the crisis was real, says Ben Cohen.

48% of 'murica "approves" of how Trump is "handling" the coronavirus crisis. Anything this crazy is entirely plausible. Trump's malignant narcissism--at the root of all of this-- brings 'delusional' to a whole new level of FUBAR. And who better to gravitate to delusional than racists, Christian evangelicals, and libertarian tea-party Republicans?
The stupidity of your publication is delightful.