by Rich Herschlag
You think you have me figured out, but you’re not even close You send pollsters to my owner’s phone and compile statistics on likely voters, but you’ve never bothered to interview me directly. Here I sit buried deep inside my host, yet I control both his life and yours.
Of course, you know a little something about me. For instance, I don’t wear a mask during a pandemic. Do you know what else I don’t do? I don’t wear a helmet when I ride my motorcycle. Like the mask, the helmet is a shackle that infringes upon my inalienable right to complete freedom and autonomy at all times. So-called law and public pressure only make me more resolute. But one day when I flip my Harley, my head hits a curb, and I lie comatose in an ICU on a ventilator paralyzed from the neck down, you will pay my multimillion dollar medical bills. Hillary Clinton runs a pedophile ring.
Running red lights and blowing by your four-cylinder Prius on a side street are what I call breathing. All rules are made to be broken, especially traffic rules. When my GPS gives me a 2.4 mile as-the-crow-flies distance between the beer distributor and the firing range, I am the crow. The notion of abiding countless lights, stop signs, and dainty turns at intersections is an insult to my God-given liberty. It is my innate righteous desire to drive my Ford F-250 straight over fences and through yards to negotiate the shortest distance between two points. Jews eat babies.
Speaking of guns, I’ve never seen anything I didn’t want to shoot, preferably dozens of times. Life for me is a game of Mortal Kombat with Nancy Pelosi in my crosshairs. I am Rambo without the remains of a conscience. Every shell not used is a deep wound to my pure spirit. Ideally I fire these rounds while riding helmetless through courtyards. Gravity is a hoax.
As far as the environment is concerned, mine does not extend beyond the length of my arm. My bodily fluids are all precious, and so they may be ejected anytime, anywhere. In fact, nothing that emanates from me or from any product I might use must be restricted from waterways, airways, causeways or driveways. This is natural law. My never ending joyride over shrubs—shouting, spewing, wind in my unprotected face—is an American prayer. The earth is flat.
There is no greater good. There is only my good, and I am insatiable. I was granted a president—a viral shedding, pussy grabbing, fearmongering, threat issuing tower of a man—who outwardly embodies all that I am. He gives license to my basest urges and validates my deepest primal yearnings. I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together. I am the walrus. Coo coo kachu.
Now I’m told evil, freedom hating forces of the ego and superego are poised to remove my president from his throne, leaving me to flounder alone in the primordial soup of my man cave as part of some inevitable psychopolitical correction. But as I shelter in place in my lair of crystal meth, paintball, and masturbation, know this one thing: I’ll be back.
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I've been thinking a lot about what motivates Trump supporters. Recently I happened to watch a BBC documentary about the lives of servants in 19th century Britain. A letter by a servant was quoted, saying that the man had a roof over his head, was well fed and otherwise kept safe, but that he lacked liberty, which he opined was the most important condition of life for an Englishman.
I found myself idly wondering what he meant by "liberty". Then later in the show it was pointed out that servants at that time worked something like 17 hour days and only had time left for sleep. So none of their time was available for self-directed activities, or for contemplation. That deficit of free time constituted their lack of liberty.
I then as usual started thinking about what motivated Trump voters, and realized that having to work two or more jobs just to pay the household bills meant they lacked liberty of that same kind. This explained their anger and their resentment of "the system", but how did that lead to their voting for Trump?
I concluded that Americans in an intolerable condition of wage slavery might feel the need to support a candidate who was angry and who seemed like he would shake the system to its foundations, in hopes that any shakeup was bound to put them in a better position -- having better than zero liberty at the end of the shakeup, they could hope.
Unfortunately their quest for liberty is often diverted into useless substitutes such as owning guns or refusing to wear a mask. That form of rebellion makes people temporarily feel powerful, but in the long run it does nothing to help them.
If Biden wins, Democrats should quickly offer plans to help these stuck working-class people. That is humanitarian and also politically smart.
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