For starters, we can't look at the election like it was a landslide. Harris won 74,946,837 votes to Trump’s 77,237,942, in a land of 330,000,000, that's not a landslide. So we don't need to burn our coalition to the ground, just improve it. Now let's look at why we lost the middle. A.) The Electoral College and the prominence of Iowa and New Hampshire in candidate selection. Most voters in non-swing states feel like their votes don't count. Campaigns never enter non-swing state borders. Then there's the MAGA Media Ecosystem, the Democrats have nothing like it to compete and it would take 30 years to build one, which at the rate of never starting is never gonna happen. Then there's oligarchical control of social media. Then there's the institutional problems. Dark money, Super Pacs, and other fallouts of Citizens United. Gerrymandering. The filibuster. And allowing Presidents the ability to A.) select Supreme Court judges and B.) pardon people who commit crimes on their behalf -- let alone this BS about "you can't prosecute a sitting president." The Democrats NEVER take these issues on when they ARE in power so how can they complain when they're out of power?
Suppose the Democrats had done those things and suppose the media had been more favourable towards them and Harris had won, wouldn’t it still be worth them figuring out how to discuss difficult issues like immigration and gender in a nuanced way, if only to ensure they get the policies right?
I’m very liberal. Although I have nuanced views on abortion, gender affirming surgery during childhood&I can believe both Israel&Palestine deserve to exist, while finding Netanyahu a war criminal. However, I never considered voting for Trump, or Bernie btw in protest.
Protest voting is the epitome of childish behavior.
Also the dirty secret of the 13 million Biden voters who failed to show up for Harris is misogyny&racism in liberal ranks.
Keep blaming the voters for the inability of Democrats to appeal to them and keep getting the same results. The Democratic party is in bed with the insurance industry, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and most other rich demographics. They respond to angry voters by trotting out Liz Cheney as an ally instead of LISTENING to the people, because the people are not their constituents. That was probably the most disgusting part of Harris' campaign. Liz Cheney is the epitome of everything that the Democratic Party has stood against in the past.
It is no improvement, if those relationships are so bad and questionable to a voter, to elect actual fascists into power. They are in bed with ALL the wealth and will never protect any people. That argument makes no sense. Oligarchs are not going to be negotiating anything in good faith.
You continue to blame the voter for choosing to not vote for The Democratic Party. Your comment shows the arrogance that continues to turn people away from the Democrats. Lecturing people to vote for a party that does not have their best interests as a priority will not change anything. The Democratic Party must make the changes to attract the voters, not tell them they are dumbasses or fascists. The continued voting for "the lesser of 2 evils" has gotten us here.
Mr. Cohen, I follow you because although I’m a member of the “disgusting” right, I want to know what the left thinks. Therein lies the problem. As soon as I say I’m on the right, where does your thinking go about my views? But, I follow you because you’re a good writer. Most of the time, I disagree with you, but guess what? I’m still reading. I absolutely cringe when I hear the way Trump talks. However, he surrounded himself with some really talented people that have a myriad of beliefs, many of which, are not in lock step with him, so I voted for him. Do I believe that he’s the savior of us all? No, but I hope his administration will address some of the issues that the Biden administration chose to ignore, not at their peril, but at the peril of regular Americans. Look, I’m a 73 year old female baby boomer (BB). We don’t have a lot of voice anymore, but we are still engaged. I’m a practicing Catholic, but I’ll use your word: many practicing Catholics have nuanced views on abortion. Although I hear all the time that BB’s are not tech savvy and we get all our news from cable, that is not where I turn for my news. I use the same outlets that younger people do. I believe that whatever somebody over the age of 18 wants to call him/ herself, is fine. But, I’m adamantly opposed to any altering gender affirming care for minors. I could continue through my laundry list of beliefs, but my point to all of this is that we on the right are already nuanced. We already recognize that we don’t all think the same, and that’s healthy for the republic. Heck, I often don’t agree with my son of a coal miner husband, who is a retired military general/engineer who holds two master's degrees. How’s that for nuance? And that is why Trump won. The right stole the big tent from the left, right under their noses. Best wishes to you. I appreciate your forum.
Thanks for this comment, Dawn. Could you let me know which talented people Trump has around him? I'll use your comment in the Monday column and answer your questions more fully!
What does that say about your beliefs? I think it says you believe many things that aren't true, and disbelieve many things that are true. Confusing "one" for "won" is incidental.
Oops, hate that typo! That hurts-former English teacher here. Thanks for your graciousness. This is the longest post I’ve ever written on Substack. I usually don’t engage.
Look I get what you're saying, but that's not how most liberals talk or act. It's what conservatives, pundits, and libertarian-ish moderate types WANT to believe liberals are because in the 2010s, they were no longer voices of power within the Democratic party. Not to mention the fact that moderates accuse Dems of being overtaken by "the Left" for the smallest of choices that Fox News balloons into massive non-scandal scandals. And, ironically enough, people on the Left still hate liberals in the party for not going left enough or proudly flaunting their progressive credentials.
This is a byproduct of the digital era. People in the party aren't ideologically rigid, but a cohort of adults who insist Twitter isn't the real world nonetheless judge the entire party by random ideological online weirdos with no ties to the party. Meanwhile the GOP is corrupt, rotten, and out of touch with basic reality from top to bottom, but we all treat that as normal because of heartland demographics. None of us are afraid of ideologues. But social media has convinced pundits that ideologues have the party in a chokehold when in reality, pundits resent ideologues for kicking them out of the group dynamic with elected officials.
The main issue at heart is that people want a "fuck you" vibe from politicians. Not solutions. And Democrats and progressives care more about solutions/legislations than "fuck you" - that's the big struggle we face right now. But it's not donors that caused that vibe. It's just what we genuinely believe in.
Was he called a Nazi? I found this statement by advocacy group MassEquality on CBS, which looks like a civil disagreement.
"Our community is deeply hurt by these remarks, which reinforce harmful stereotypes and undermine the dignity of transgender athletes," Executive Director Tanya Neslusan said in a statement. "We hope that by engaging with the Congressman, we can work toward a more inclusive and informed understanding of transgender issues in sports."
And this:
A handful of trans activists and anti-war protesters gathered outside Moulton's Veterans Day event.
Many, probably not all, on the left may disagree with him. I don't see where anyone is calling him a Nazi.
As a point for point through your comments -- look no further than Al Franken. He gave up a great political career over a scandal that would have never made the headlines had it happened to a GOP politician. They would say, "who cares, so what" and it would be over within hours. Franken quit. I'm with you on countless issues that Democrats are too scared to talk about. I'm a trans person on hormones and yet, I still use the bathroom assigned at birth. Because I am not passable, and my presence would make some others confused or uncomfortable. And still, I believe passable trans women are safer in women's restrooms. Nuance. I feel trans sports play should be decided on a person by person basis versus an "all in/all out" blanket policy. Are they within the range of physical ability of fellow athletes, or do they exhibit an unfair physical advantage that would put other players at risk? Are we talking basketball here, or chess? And having gone through hormone treatment, I don't believe peole under 18 should have puberty blockers or surgeries unless they are are fully prepared for the implications of going down that one-way road (education, therapy, and deep trenched parental and mental health support would be critical here). And finally, Palestine. I've found it impossible to have a rational conversation with anyone on this issue. Expressing that Israel has a right to live as a sovereign nation -- "oh so you support Genocide!" Expressing concern with the treatment of women, children, and LGBTQ people in Islamic culture -- "oh so you support Genocide AND are Islamophobic!" Criticizing Israel's block by block settlements across their borders, Bibi's whole administration, or handling of the 10/7 response -- "oh, so you're an Antisemite!" Oh and don't get me started on RFKjr zealots.
Allowing women's health care decisions to be made by her and her doctor (and anyone else relevant in her life), including abortion, does not mean that women are forced to have an abortion if it is not their belief (Religious or otherwise). Allowing abortions means that women have a choice. No one religion should be pushing it's beliefs on everyone else. That is the meaning of separation of church and state.
Whether Republican or Democrat, you can personally decide never to have an abortion and still allow others to make their own choice.
A woman shouldn't be forced to carry a dead baby to full term and risk sepsis or death because abortions are outlawed. A woman hemorrhaging should be given the DNC or other she needs to prevent her death.
Are we going to make laws about the heart care or cancer care that is permitted and supercede doctor's recommendations? Abortion is very personal and beliefs vary across religions. It is the ultimate subject that represents respect for different religious beliefs.
Very good and clear on this so called divisive issue. If we spoke like this on every issue that divides people we could calm the atmosphere and rally support.
This kind of stuff is omnipresent in the aftermath of the election, and some of my least favorite content of all. Trump's election is apparently all because "liberals' or "Democrats" don't know how to "talk to each other" or "meet Trump voters where they live" or similarly phrased nonsense. It's such an oversimplification of something so much more profound in the nation, that it feels like prattling about adjustments to the playlist of the Titanic's musical band. Frankly, FAFO is the only thing that's going to fix this ongoing tragedy, and it may even be too late for that.
As angered as I am at the election of this man, speaking to son who voted for him or didn’t vote, I find pathetic and honestly stupid .
200 plus kids die in school shootings and yet the fear of a transgender in your daughters school bathroom moves you to him? So the fear of something that has never happened overtakes terror that has and will continue to threaten them? But that is the situation we deal with in the aftermath.
I don’t think it’s all because Democrats don’t know how to talk to one another but that’s a factor, but even if it wasn’t, even if Harris had squeaked out a narrow win, it would be something worth addressing.
"I have several friends who voted for Trump because they felt they could not express themselves honestly with their liberal friends. So they protested by voting for Donald Trump. ... they would be voting for the philandering criminal just to show [the liberals]."
I get the resentment that leads to that but it's still a staggering self-punch-in-the-face. It really is the equivalent of "I don't like that you were rude to me so I'm going to show you by burning down my house."
Yes, liberals could be better about not driving off people who agree with them on most things. But it really is had to continue to converse with someone who is looking for a reason to get upset at you. You spend a great deal of time trying to honestly understand their position on the contentious issue, and explain yours, and all the while it's a foregone conclusion that if you don't agree fully with them that they're going to "show you".
It is very much like talking to a Republican They're not interested in an adult conversation and very eager to burn down their own house and blame it on you.
First, I am unconvinced Trump did win. Democrats should have asked for hand recounts instead of being in haste to concede-that, of course, is part of the Democratic problem. Another one is their focus on the old guard rather than the new. When Democrats act like Republicans are they not Democrats in name only? Progressives are the way forward. Age limits are the way forward: if there can be minimums, there must also be maximums. Politicians who switch sides before their terms are up must be removed. All of the time.
Teach common sense. Require all schools to do this every year-secular & non-secular. Homeschooled children must go to a school to learn it.
I personally heard several disgusted with both parties. This is understandable. Both parties have behaved poorly. Was President Carter the only one to care about Palestine? Some things are just so obvious.
Disinformation. Misinformation. In-person voting disruption. Voter disenfranchisement. Foreign intrusions. A captured DOJ/Judicial System. Too much D.A. Discretion. Monopolies. IF we want voters to vote, give them something to vote FOR. Act in good faith.
Great piece, but u are missing that the QAn0n PSYOP duped people, in the yoga and suburban mom community, minorities who are disenfranchise and gave them simple slogans to cling to…. Why doesn’t anyone write about this ongoing infiltration? That is why they won.
Have you considered that the reason Democrats take a very hard line on many issues is because the right controls the narrative to such a degree that absolutism is one of the only ways to get clarity of message? There used to be politicians like Mario Cuomo who personally did not believe in abortion due to his Catholic upbringing, but was able to endorse it for others who did not have that belief. Similarly, why can’t you and others who don’t think transgender treatment should begin prior to age 18 just say, “hey, if it were my kid, I might not do this, but other families have made different decisions, so it’s up to them.” You don’t have to love a particular policy choice, but you can’t take your ball and go home if doing so screws over the rest of us. Voting against your own needs just because someone hurt your feelings is childish and dangerous. Grow up, people.
> why can’t you and others who don’t think transgender treatment should begin prior to age 18 just say, “hey, if it were my kid, I might not do this, but other families have made different decisions, so it’s up to them.”
This would be valid if parents were getting evidence-based information from the medical professionals, but sadly here in the US, they are not.
A number of other countries with not-for-profit health-care systems that have conducted systematic reviews of the available evidence (UK, France, Norway, Sweden) have all come to the conclusion that the evidence base for pediatric "gender affirming care" (a euphemism for sterilization drugs, cross-sex hormones, and sex-trait modification cosmetic surgeries) has a weak-to-nonexistent evidence base, and are severely throttling back the availability of it.
In the US, though, it's still full steam ahead with these procedures, completely unsupported by evidence, with parents being gaslit by lies ("do you want a live son or a dead daughter?"). There is ZERO evidence that "gender affirming care" reduces suicide risk, as those comprehensive reviews have shown.
Democrats were supposed to be the party that believed in science. Sadly this turns out not to be true. As a Democrat and a scientist, my disappointment in this fact is truly profound.
Thanks. I’ll look it over. It still doesn’t take away the basic idea that disagreement on specific issues should result in spite voting. I don’t agree with our party’s neo-liberal tendencies. Doesn’t mean I’m throwing the baby out with the bathwater to vote Republican.
This is funny since , pretty much every time i have commented on this page, i receive nothing more than ad hominin attacks and straw men in return. The guy that just left, Justin mostly responds to any criticism by insulting the questioner and setting up straw men that are easily knocked down. I signed up for this site to hear different points of view but all i see is complete partisan (towards establishment Democrats) bias. Just wait. If there is a response to this comment, it will most likely attack me rather than address the issue.
Great piece
Thanks Nikhil!
Good stuff Ben. Enough for me to finally take the plunge on paid membership. Keep up the great work!
I appreciate that Adam! Thank you!
For starters, we can't look at the election like it was a landslide. Harris won 74,946,837 votes to Trump’s 77,237,942, in a land of 330,000,000, that's not a landslide. So we don't need to burn our coalition to the ground, just improve it. Now let's look at why we lost the middle. A.) The Electoral College and the prominence of Iowa and New Hampshire in candidate selection. Most voters in non-swing states feel like their votes don't count. Campaigns never enter non-swing state borders. Then there's the MAGA Media Ecosystem, the Democrats have nothing like it to compete and it would take 30 years to build one, which at the rate of never starting is never gonna happen. Then there's oligarchical control of social media. Then there's the institutional problems. Dark money, Super Pacs, and other fallouts of Citizens United. Gerrymandering. The filibuster. And allowing Presidents the ability to A.) select Supreme Court judges and B.) pardon people who commit crimes on their behalf -- let alone this BS about "you can't prosecute a sitting president." The Democrats NEVER take these issues on when they ARE in power so how can they complain when they're out of power?
Suppose the Democrats had done those things and suppose the media had been more favourable towards them and Harris had won, wouldn’t it still be worth them figuring out how to discuss difficult issues like immigration and gender in a nuanced way, if only to ensure they get the policies right?
I’m very liberal. Although I have nuanced views on abortion, gender affirming surgery during childhood&I can believe both Israel&Palestine deserve to exist, while finding Netanyahu a war criminal. However, I never considered voting for Trump, or Bernie btw in protest.
Protest voting is the epitome of childish behavior.
Also the dirty secret of the 13 million Biden voters who failed to show up for Harris is misogyny&racism in liberal ranks.
I do blame those who couldn’t show up.
You want change? Letting Trump win out of laziness or stupidity makes things worse.
Voting in America is about pragmatism. Bernie may sound good, but refusal to work with others has kept him from accomplishing anything.
BTW do some research.
Keep blaming the voters for the inability of Democrats to appeal to them and keep getting the same results. The Democratic party is in bed with the insurance industry, Wall Street, the military industrial complex, and most other rich demographics. They respond to angry voters by trotting out Liz Cheney as an ally instead of LISTENING to the people, because the people are not their constituents. That was probably the most disgusting part of Harris' campaign. Liz Cheney is the epitome of everything that the Democratic Party has stood against in the past.
It is no improvement, if those relationships are so bad and questionable to a voter, to elect actual fascists into power. They are in bed with ALL the wealth and will never protect any people. That argument makes no sense. Oligarchs are not going to be negotiating anything in good faith.
You continue to blame the voter for choosing to not vote for The Democratic Party. Your comment shows the arrogance that continues to turn people away from the Democrats. Lecturing people to vote for a party that does not have their best interests as a priority will not change anything. The Democratic Party must make the changes to attract the voters, not tell them they are dumbasses or fascists. The continued voting for "the lesser of 2 evils" has gotten us here.
I never said that Trump was an improvement. He's a disaster.
Well said!
Mr. Cohen, I follow you because although I’m a member of the “disgusting” right, I want to know what the left thinks. Therein lies the problem. As soon as I say I’m on the right, where does your thinking go about my views? But, I follow you because you’re a good writer. Most of the time, I disagree with you, but guess what? I’m still reading. I absolutely cringe when I hear the way Trump talks. However, he surrounded himself with some really talented people that have a myriad of beliefs, many of which, are not in lock step with him, so I voted for him. Do I believe that he’s the savior of us all? No, but I hope his administration will address some of the issues that the Biden administration chose to ignore, not at their peril, but at the peril of regular Americans. Look, I’m a 73 year old female baby boomer (BB). We don’t have a lot of voice anymore, but we are still engaged. I’m a practicing Catholic, but I’ll use your word: many practicing Catholics have nuanced views on abortion. Although I hear all the time that BB’s are not tech savvy and we get all our news from cable, that is not where I turn for my news. I use the same outlets that younger people do. I believe that whatever somebody over the age of 18 wants to call him/ herself, is fine. But, I’m adamantly opposed to any altering gender affirming care for minors. I could continue through my laundry list of beliefs, but my point to all of this is that we on the right are already nuanced. We already recognize that we don’t all think the same, and that’s healthy for the republic. Heck, I often don’t agree with my son of a coal miner husband, who is a retired military general/engineer who holds two master's degrees. How’s that for nuance? And that is why Trump won. The right stole the big tent from the left, right under their noses. Best wishes to you. I appreciate your forum.
Thanks for this comment, Dawn. Could you let me know which talented people Trump has around him? I'll use your comment in the Monday column and answer your questions more fully!
JD Vance, RFK, jr., Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Elon, Vivek are some that I respect.
What does that say about your beliefs? I think it says you believe many things that aren't true, and disbelieve many things that are true. Confusing "one" for "won" is incidental.
That's as gracious as I can be.
Oops, hate that typo! That hurts-former English teacher here. Thanks for your graciousness. This is the longest post I’ve ever written on Substack. I usually don’t engage.
You were brave to do so!
This is a very thoughtful response. I share many of your beliefs.
Too late now, but I personally would like to know when I'm wrong about something. 926 out of 5 million.
Look I get what you're saying, but that's not how most liberals talk or act. It's what conservatives, pundits, and libertarian-ish moderate types WANT to believe liberals are because in the 2010s, they were no longer voices of power within the Democratic party. Not to mention the fact that moderates accuse Dems of being overtaken by "the Left" for the smallest of choices that Fox News balloons into massive non-scandal scandals. And, ironically enough, people on the Left still hate liberals in the party for not going left enough or proudly flaunting their progressive credentials.
This is a byproduct of the digital era. People in the party aren't ideologically rigid, but a cohort of adults who insist Twitter isn't the real world nonetheless judge the entire party by random ideological online weirdos with no ties to the party. Meanwhile the GOP is corrupt, rotten, and out of touch with basic reality from top to bottom, but we all treat that as normal because of heartland demographics. None of us are afraid of ideologues. But social media has convinced pundits that ideologues have the party in a chokehold when in reality, pundits resent ideologues for kicking them out of the group dynamic with elected officials.
The main issue at heart is that people want a "fuck you" vibe from politicians. Not solutions. And Democrats and progressives care more about solutions/legislations than "fuck you" - that's the big struggle we face right now. But it's not donors that caused that vibe. It's just what we genuinely believe in.
Seth moulon thinks girls sports are not for people who went thru male puberty. It’s not the right wing that called him a Nazi. Own this shit.
Was he called a Nazi? I found this statement by advocacy group MassEquality on CBS, which looks like a civil disagreement.
"Our community is deeply hurt by these remarks, which reinforce harmful stereotypes and undermine the dignity of transgender athletes," Executive Director Tanya Neslusan said in a statement. "We hope that by engaging with the Congressman, we can work toward a more inclusive and informed understanding of transgender issues in sports."
And this:
A handful of trans activists and anti-war protesters gathered outside Moulton's Veterans Day event.
Many, probably not all, on the left may disagree with him. I don't see where anyone is calling him a Nazi.
Here is is. Nazi collaborator. He is getting primaried over this. - utter bullshit.
As a point for point through your comments -- look no further than Al Franken. He gave up a great political career over a scandal that would have never made the headlines had it happened to a GOP politician. They would say, "who cares, so what" and it would be over within hours. Franken quit. I'm with you on countless issues that Democrats are too scared to talk about. I'm a trans person on hormones and yet, I still use the bathroom assigned at birth. Because I am not passable, and my presence would make some others confused or uncomfortable. And still, I believe passable trans women are safer in women's restrooms. Nuance. I feel trans sports play should be decided on a person by person basis versus an "all in/all out" blanket policy. Are they within the range of physical ability of fellow athletes, or do they exhibit an unfair physical advantage that would put other players at risk? Are we talking basketball here, or chess? And having gone through hormone treatment, I don't believe peole under 18 should have puberty blockers or surgeries unless they are are fully prepared for the implications of going down that one-way road (education, therapy, and deep trenched parental and mental health support would be critical here). And finally, Palestine. I've found it impossible to have a rational conversation with anyone on this issue. Expressing that Israel has a right to live as a sovereign nation -- "oh so you support Genocide!" Expressing concern with the treatment of women, children, and LGBTQ people in Islamic culture -- "oh so you support Genocide AND are Islamophobic!" Criticizing Israel's block by block settlements across their borders, Bibi's whole administration, or handling of the 10/7 response -- "oh, so you're an Antisemite!" Oh and don't get me started on RFKjr zealots.
Allowing women's health care decisions to be made by her and her doctor (and anyone else relevant in her life), including abortion, does not mean that women are forced to have an abortion if it is not their belief (Religious or otherwise). Allowing abortions means that women have a choice. No one religion should be pushing it's beliefs on everyone else. That is the meaning of separation of church and state.
Whether Republican or Democrat, you can personally decide never to have an abortion and still allow others to make their own choice.
A woman shouldn't be forced to carry a dead baby to full term and risk sepsis or death because abortions are outlawed. A woman hemorrhaging should be given the DNC or other she needs to prevent her death.
Are we going to make laws about the heart care or cancer care that is permitted and supercede doctor's recommendations? Abortion is very personal and beliefs vary across religions. It is the ultimate subject that represents respect for different religious beliefs.
Very good and clear on this so called divisive issue. If we spoke like this on every issue that divides people we could calm the atmosphere and rally support.
This kind of stuff is omnipresent in the aftermath of the election, and some of my least favorite content of all. Trump's election is apparently all because "liberals' or "Democrats" don't know how to "talk to each other" or "meet Trump voters where they live" or similarly phrased nonsense. It's such an oversimplification of something so much more profound in the nation, that it feels like prattling about adjustments to the playlist of the Titanic's musical band. Frankly, FAFO is the only thing that's going to fix this ongoing tragedy, and it may even be too late for that.
As angered as I am at the election of this man, speaking to son who voted for him or didn’t vote, I find pathetic and honestly stupid .
200 plus kids die in school shootings and yet the fear of a transgender in your daughters school bathroom moves you to him? So the fear of something that has never happened overtakes terror that has and will continue to threaten them? But that is the situation we deal with in the aftermath.
Are you just talking to yourself? Maybe it’s not fear. Maybe it’s profound disagreement with say, defund rhetoric and prosecutors who won’t prosecute.
I don’t think it’s all because Democrats don’t know how to talk to one another but that’s a factor, but even if it wasn’t, even if Harris had squeaked out a narrow win, it would be something worth addressing.
"I have several friends who voted for Trump because they felt they could not express themselves honestly with their liberal friends. So they protested by voting for Donald Trump. ... they would be voting for the philandering criminal just to show [the liberals]."
I get the resentment that leads to that but it's still a staggering self-punch-in-the-face. It really is the equivalent of "I don't like that you were rude to me so I'm going to show you by burning down my house."
Yes, liberals could be better about not driving off people who agree with them on most things. But it really is had to continue to converse with someone who is looking for a reason to get upset at you. You spend a great deal of time trying to honestly understand their position on the contentious issue, and explain yours, and all the while it's a foregone conclusion that if you don't agree fully with them that they're going to "show you".
It is very much like talking to a Republican They're not interested in an adult conversation and very eager to burn down their own house and blame it on you.
First, I am unconvinced Trump did win. Democrats should have asked for hand recounts instead of being in haste to concede-that, of course, is part of the Democratic problem. Another one is their focus on the old guard rather than the new. When Democrats act like Republicans are they not Democrats in name only? Progressives are the way forward. Age limits are the way forward: if there can be minimums, there must also be maximums. Politicians who switch sides before their terms are up must be removed. All of the time.
Teach common sense. Require all schools to do this every year-secular & non-secular. Homeschooled children must go to a school to learn it.
I personally heard several disgusted with both parties. This is understandable. Both parties have behaved poorly. Was President Carter the only one to care about Palestine? Some things are just so obvious.
Disinformation. Misinformation. In-person voting disruption. Voter disenfranchisement. Foreign intrusions. A captured DOJ/Judicial System. Too much D.A. Discretion. Monopolies. IF we want voters to vote, give them something to vote FOR. Act in good faith.
Great piece, but u are missing that the QAn0n PSYOP duped people, in the yoga and suburban mom community, minorities who are disenfranchise and gave them simple slogans to cling to…. Why doesn’t anyone write about this ongoing infiltration? That is why they won.
Have you considered that the reason Democrats take a very hard line on many issues is because the right controls the narrative to such a degree that absolutism is one of the only ways to get clarity of message? There used to be politicians like Mario Cuomo who personally did not believe in abortion due to his Catholic upbringing, but was able to endorse it for others who did not have that belief. Similarly, why can’t you and others who don’t think transgender treatment should begin prior to age 18 just say, “hey, if it were my kid, I might not do this, but other families have made different decisions, so it’s up to them.” You don’t have to love a particular policy choice, but you can’t take your ball and go home if doing so screws over the rest of us. Voting against your own needs just because someone hurt your feelings is childish and dangerous. Grow up, people.
> why can’t you and others who don’t think transgender treatment should begin prior to age 18 just say, “hey, if it were my kid, I might not do this, but other families have made different decisions, so it’s up to them.”
This would be valid if parents were getting evidence-based information from the medical professionals, but sadly here in the US, they are not.
A number of other countries with not-for-profit health-care systems that have conducted systematic reviews of the available evidence (UK, France, Norway, Sweden) have all come to the conclusion that the evidence base for pediatric "gender affirming care" (a euphemism for sterilization drugs, cross-sex hormones, and sex-trait modification cosmetic surgeries) has a weak-to-nonexistent evidence base, and are severely throttling back the availability of it.
In the US, though, it's still full steam ahead with these procedures, completely unsupported by evidence, with parents being gaslit by lies ("do you want a live son or a dead daughter?"). There is ZERO evidence that "gender affirming care" reduces suicide risk, as those comprehensive reviews have shown.
Democrats were supposed to be the party that believed in science. Sadly this turns out not to be true. As a Democrat and a scientist, my disappointment in this fact is truly profound.
Would love to see some links backing up your claims.
Here is the comprehensive review from the UK:
More info from Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender:
Thanks. I’ll look it over. It still doesn’t take away the basic idea that disagreement on specific issues should result in spite voting. I don’t agree with our party’s neo-liberal tendencies. Doesn’t mean I’m throwing the baby out with the bathwater to vote Republican.
For me it's not spite voting at all. It's my most important issue, and I vote accordingly.
Then that tells me you were never a Democrat in the first place.
Children are not the possessions of their parents. Children have rights. There are laws against parents harming their children.
This is funny since , pretty much every time i have commented on this page, i receive nothing more than ad hominin attacks and straw men in return. The guy that just left, Justin mostly responds to any criticism by insulting the questioner and setting up straw men that are easily knocked down. I signed up for this site to hear different points of view but all i see is complete partisan (towards establishment Democrats) bias. Just wait. If there is a response to this comment, it will most likely attack me rather than address the issue.
Your last couple paragraphs sum it up well
I'm with you.