I wholeheartedly agree with Ben who suggested that MTG should go to Russia. However, she never would because she knows she has the freedom here to spew her outrageous ideas without any consequences. In Russia, she would be arrested immediately for spouting such poppycock and be jailed without the semblance of a trial. She should be condemned for her most ridiculous comments by Democrats as much as possible. America should be divorced from Marjorie Taylor Greene. If she gets her awful wish, she will be cast adrift.

I do believe Ben is correct in saying that red states are mostly subsidized by blue states. I remember reading this somewhere. I thoroughly enjoyed reading Chez's insightful article on Texas seceding from the Union - and this was written about 10 years ago.

Justin, you don't have to censor yourself at all. The state of the Union as it is now and what some on the other side are clamoring for cries out for howls of obscenities from us sane citizens of this very divided country.

This should have been called the Marjorie Taylor Greene podcast because of how much time you devoted to her. I agree she is totally mad and needs to be called out every time she opens her batshit mouth. Democrats must do it every time and must not ignore her because she is probably hoping they won't respond to her. But they must to counteract her particular type of poison.

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I recall the days when we were worried about Sarah Palin. Now MJT is in congress I fear the end is nigh... I'd gladly pay for her to go to Russia!

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Can we stop wasting the extra breath on calling her Marge Taylor Greene? Her husband finally had enough and kicked rocks so she’s just Marge Taylor now, right? I only have a finite amount of breath, tired of wasting it on her dumb ass…

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Omg, that siren just freaked the hell out of my husband! 😄😄

Great show as always, guys!! I very much appreciate all your thoughtful takes.

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Hahahaha!! Sorry Cindy!! Glad you liked the show though :)

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As I recall, Sarah Palin was way more tame than this patently dangerous member of Congress. Palin was always considered a joke, as I remember. I think MTG has it too good here since she can raise oodles of funds on her un-American agenda. What I will never understand is how she is able to fundraise so successfully. There must be many like her out there that we don't ever want to acknowledge actually exist. She is also getting a lot of airtime which is what she craves. This is how she is very similar to her Golden Idol, the orange-haired former president. They seek attention no matter how bad they might appear on evaluation. For them, there is no bad publicity. As long as they're in the public eye, they have succeeded in achieving their goal.

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The leftists really do hate Buttigeig because he beat sanders. They are pretty ruthless to him, just for that. Same as Sen. Warren. And they wonder why nobody wants to work in concert with them…?

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Excellent point by Justin. The right crapping on Buttigeig and the Bernie left attacking him viciously for different reasons. Seems like a 1:1 repeat of 2016, which is so FCKING depressing. Here we go again…

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