My neighbor; right across the street from me, was at the insurrection. She was arrested; but found to not have entered the Capitol. Do I know her? Yes. She is Caucasian; early retired from the NYC Police Dept. She is kind to animals. Her child is very polite and intelligent. Why did she do this??? Well, she was a devoted follower of her religion, she believes in anti-mask conspiracy theories..and; she is W H I T E. I do now this is someone without the ability for empathy. A lack of a solid, multi-cultural education that is cultivated by private schooling ( religious schools usually,) can lead to the small minded bigotry that this person becomes.

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You cannot engage in a battle of wits with unarmed people.

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Really hard to understand these people. Who was she trying to impress with this incredible ugliness? Probably herself. They appear to be filled with self loathing and trying to fix it by picking people to designate as inferior to themselves. All this while they are being screwed by the very group and ideology they purport to be part of. It would be pathetic if it wasn’t so damaging to others and the country they supposedly love. Maybe by refusing vaccination they will decrease in number more rapidly than others.

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You know, it’s funny. They talk about “Trump derangement syndrome“ as though the people who hated Trump were the ones who were deranged… but for whatever reason, he encouraged the sort of insane mob mentality among people who might actually have been pretty reasonable otherwise. I will literally never figure this out.

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I disagree...Scratch a Drumpf supporter=you find a racist. simple.

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Oh, I could not agree more. I have often said “it’s possible that not every Trump supporter is a racist, but you can bet your bottom dollar that every racist is a Trump supporter“

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