This, really is something to keep our eyes open for. Everything that was mentioned will happen. The people who want the power are making it clear about what depths they will go through to keep it. If that means killing anybody that doesn’t look like them then so be it. Democracy is really something they want to know longer exist. These are dangerous times and we need to take these people serious because they are serious. If we sit on our hands and not hold them accountable then we must know next time there will be a really bloody war. Take this seriously already. Let’s not wait until it’s to late.

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In any "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation I've ever found myself in the answer has always, without exception, *always* been to "do".

Because if you let the consequences stop you from doing what is right, all it does is mean the bad situation will continue.

Someone setting your house on fire. If you try to stop them you're going to get seriously burned, and if you don't you're going to lose your house. You have no good options; both are terrible. But if you stop them, sure, you're going to get very hurt but you will have stopped them. If you don't stop them you lose everything and (key distinction between the two terrible choices:) you'll continue to lose everything because they'll burn down your next house, and the one after that, and after that.

"Damned if I do, damned if I don't." is fine as an acknowledgement of the shittyness of the situation. It's not a valid excuse for failing to act.

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All too true, yet necessary.

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To us who saw the hearing with the committee today then we do know has serious this all was. The importance of keeping our democracy was in the forefront for sure. These people almost got away with this, now that is really dangerously serious. We really do have to love that our Democracy was saved, by Pence, he believed in the constitution and he didn’t get in the waiting car. Thank you.

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"America has very little appetite to tackle the problem of violent white men."

Then it needs to be destroyed and something decent and humane built atop its burning ruins. If the fascists bring war again and attempt to cow black and brown people through violence and murder then they must be made to understand that they will be drowned in their own rancid blood and their New Confederacy, Northwest Republic, Fourth Reich or whatever they want to call it will be dragged down to hell with it's throat cut before it can even get off the ground. Fuck coddling these murderous filth. Kill them. Kill them all, badge-wearing or not.

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When the Dems fail, and I dont want our country to fail and that means strong representation from the Ds, to hold him to account or do anything people notice, you will blame the left for it rather than those who had the power to do something but didnt because if there is one thing you guys are good at, it is blaming the left for what the center right didnt do. You seem incapable of understanding that many of us in good faith want them to do stuff so they can win. I personally think its a lost cause mentality. If you want them to win, call for them to do what it takes to win. Blame the Rs for becoming monsters, but ask the Ds what they are doing to win votes and halt their progress (hint: only legal prosecution matters).

I am sure you will call me a troll or quip something snippy back, as you have before. You never address whats right there, though. And we both know nothing you say to me will mean a lick, so if you want them to win, resist the urge to dunk on me, consider what I have said, which is prime facie and logical, and raising your voice to those in power to do better rather than punching down on the disempowered who is simply making the basest of observations.

i don't want the Rs to win.

i dont want the Ds to collapse.

I want America to continue.

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Maybe I would call you a troll. But first I'd have to make the effort to unravel your first sentence into something at least verging on coherence. And frankly, I just don't see you as worth the effort.

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"I am a published author, a multimillionaire, and have a fab house, great cars, multiple degrees, a family who loves me, a great sex life, ampleness in my pants, and a 168 IQ with a low BMI. Honey, you know not to whom you speak. I do know who I am speaking to. You are a lesser, for only a lesser coward condescends so. So get your lesser, loser ass out of my face because I got no use for a skin curtain now or ever.

Oh yeah.

Lol, right?"

A hit dog will holler.

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