Yesterday at the Arlington VA Juneteenth event there was a young African-American man marching around with a big banner that read "Get Out of the Way Joe Biden. Vote for Cornell West of Jill Stein for President." There was also a young white woman collecting signatures to "put a Socialist on the ballot." I didn't engage with either as the nicest thing I could have said to them would have been "F* off you idiot!"

Some people just can not learn.

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What Trump wants to do with his wacky economic ideas is rob the “administrative state” of the funds to function. The last time the U.S. relied on tariffs to run the government we had The Great Depression. We could blame Trump for that but at that point, who cares? I would be dead because I’m older than either Trump or Biden, but the country, and most likely much of the world, would be staggering into profound economic turmoil. His ideas are stupid because he is stupid.

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…hahahahahahaha ! …our country is so fucking stupid, to vote for narcissistic psychopaths who failed EVERY FUCKING BUSINESS thinking he’ll make our economy better is so fucking AMERICAN !!!


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No…dummy. The problem is capitalism. If wages increase or some politician floods the economy with money (like Biden has done) prices will rise. This piece just sustains the merry go round. Puff piece for the Biden campaign.

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You are wrong. Go look at the history of the Great Depression and the financial conditions that preceded it. Tariffs were paramount. Also read what Robert Reich has to say about Trump’s stupid economic ideas. Tariffs are a way to force the middle and working classes to pay the bulk of the tax money used to support government functions. Meanwhile the oligarchs pay very little proportionately in taxes. They are already sucking our blood out. Our taxes could well increase by as much as 150%. Can you foot that kind of a tax bill? A 10% tariff on all foreign goods means increases in the prices of everything. American companies making American products frequently use parts made in other countries. Prices of everything would increase across the board. And don’t think for a second greedy American CEOs would not soak the public for anything they could.

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The purpose of tariffs is not to raise revenue. The purpose of tariffs is to make imported goods more expensive than their domestic equivalents, thereby (supposedly) increasing the relative market share for domestic goods. Optimally (theoretically) the consumption of the imports would go to zero, eliminating any revenue from the tariffs. 🤔😉😊

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