It's like the oppressed systems blaming the rebels for failing to protect Alderaan. How about blaming the Empire for blowing it up? More onus needs to be put on the Republicans for NOT voting for widely popular legislation rather than blaming the democrats for "failing to get it passed" (an actual headline). Failed to get it passed?! Piss off.
Truth be told, if the Democrats in office did a better job (or any) calling the Republicans on their shit and publicizing their own accomplishments then this wouldn't be as much of a problem.
Brilliant and thorough article. When I was teaching my children to drive I took them to our busiest intersection and explained that even when they had a green light, they had to proceed through the intersection with caution looking in both directions, because even if they had the right of way, if someone t-boned them and killed them, they would still be dead. I guess the parallel I am trying to draw here is that we as Dems and liberals, while we are definitely on the right side, we need to be smart about getting through a dangerous intersection. Patience, fortitude and smarts are needed here, while attacking our own is a sure recipe for failure.
THANK YOU BOB, for laying all this on the table! Democrats are the ones trying to make the country a better place for all Americans, while Republicans are the ones trying to destroy it for the one percenters. Yet Democrats are the ones getting the shit end of the stick whenever there is blame for something gone wrong, while Republicans get off scot free and benefit greatly from all this "BOTH SIDES!!!" bullshit.
And the ones laying the blame on Democrats the most are those on the left who've concluded Democrats aren't any better than Republicans because they won't "DO SOMETHING!!!" and/or they didn't give them everything they asked of them.
I'm frankly getting sick and tired of all this bullshit! The Biden administration has been on the job less than five months and have done a whole lot to fix the problems facing Americans, from vaccine distribution to getting relief checks out to those that have suffered from the pandemic. But whether it's from the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ with their own agenda, or those purity leftists who still carry a grudge because their false god Bernie Sanders didn't get the Democratic nomination for president they thought he deserved, it's Democrats that have to answer everything that's gone wrong while Republicans glide away from the troubles they've created.
This is beyond stupid and reckless. People need to wake the fuck up right now to know the true danger facing the country, otherwise America will be fucked up beyond belief!
Spot on.
It's like the oppressed systems blaming the rebels for failing to protect Alderaan. How about blaming the Empire for blowing it up? More onus needs to be put on the Republicans for NOT voting for widely popular legislation rather than blaming the democrats for "failing to get it passed" (an actual headline). Failed to get it passed?! Piss off.
Truth be told, if the Democrats in office did a better job (or any) calling the Republicans on their shit and publicizing their own accomplishments then this wouldn't be as much of a problem.
That would certainly be a big help.
Brilliant and thorough article. When I was teaching my children to drive I took them to our busiest intersection and explained that even when they had a green light, they had to proceed through the intersection with caution looking in both directions, because even if they had the right of way, if someone t-boned them and killed them, they would still be dead. I guess the parallel I am trying to draw here is that we as Dems and liberals, while we are definitely on the right side, we need to be smart about getting through a dangerous intersection. Patience, fortitude and smarts are needed here, while attacking our own is a sure recipe for failure.
THANK YOU BOB, for laying all this on the table! Democrats are the ones trying to make the country a better place for all Americans, while Republicans are the ones trying to destroy it for the one percenters. Yet Democrats are the ones getting the shit end of the stick whenever there is blame for something gone wrong, while Republicans get off scot free and benefit greatly from all this "BOTH SIDES!!!" bullshit.
And the ones laying the blame on Democrats the most are those on the left who've concluded Democrats aren't any better than Republicans because they won't "DO SOMETHING!!!" and/or they didn't give them everything they asked of them.
I'm frankly getting sick and tired of all this bullshit! The Biden administration has been on the job less than five months and have done a whole lot to fix the problems facing Americans, from vaccine distribution to getting relief checks out to those that have suffered from the pandemic. But whether it's from the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ with their own agenda, or those purity leftists who still carry a grudge because their false god Bernie Sanders didn't get the Democratic nomination for president they thought he deserved, it's Democrats that have to answer everything that's gone wrong while Republicans glide away from the troubles they've created.
This is beyond stupid and reckless. People need to wake the fuck up right now to know the true danger facing the country, otherwise America will be fucked up beyond belief!