Great article. This is just my personal opinion. but I believe an example of Biden's political skill is his huge win in SC during the 2020 primaries which gave him the momentum to win the nomination. Going into the SC primary Biden was losing badly. Per polling Buttigieg was expected to win SC. Mayor Pete's down to earth campaign speeches appealed to SC democrats. Biden met with Jim Clyburn and everything changed. Suddenly Biden had Clyburn's endorsement and won SC big. I believe Biden promised Clyburn he would select a Kamala as running mate and appoint a black female judge to SCOTUS. Both actions were long overdue. But whatever was discussed in that meeting with Clyburn turned the tide in Biden's favor.
Yes, I agree 100%. Biden's victory in SC was pivotal and I'm sure he used his considerable negotiating skills behind the scenes to make a deal with Clyburn.
Great article. This is just my personal opinion. but I believe an example of Biden's political skill is his huge win in SC during the 2020 primaries which gave him the momentum to win the nomination. Going into the SC primary Biden was losing badly. Per polling Buttigieg was expected to win SC. Mayor Pete's down to earth campaign speeches appealed to SC democrats. Biden met with Jim Clyburn and everything changed. Suddenly Biden had Clyburn's endorsement and won SC big. I believe Biden promised Clyburn he would select a Kamala as running mate and appoint a black female judge to SCOTUS. Both actions were long overdue. But whatever was discussed in that meeting with Clyburn turned the tide in Biden's favor.
Yes, I agree 100%. Biden's victory in SC was pivotal and I'm sure he used his considerable negotiating skills behind the scenes to make a deal with Clyburn.
Also, commonly attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte: "Never interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake."