The Party of Personal Responsibility™, my ballsack! Fuck those motherfucking Republican assholes!
They're behaving like the spoiled rotten children who are finally being told NO, and they had fucking better start getting used to it! I'm confident that Joe Biden will flex his muscles on the GOP and tell them "my way or the highway!"
Biden had spent eight years as Barack Obama's vice president, and he has seen, up close and personal, the destructive evil Republicans have done to the Capitol and America. Add to that the four years of the grossly and dangerously incompetent Drumpf, and they are in absolutely no position to dictate the terms the country should take. Because they have no power whatsoever!
The adults are in charge now, brats! Time for you to grow the fuck up!
The Party of Personal Responsibility™, my ballsack! Fuck those motherfucking Republican assholes!
They're behaving like the spoiled rotten children who are finally being told NO, and they had fucking better start getting used to it! I'm confident that Joe Biden will flex his muscles on the GOP and tell them "my way or the highway!"
Biden had spent eight years as Barack Obama's vice president, and he has seen, up close and personal, the destructive evil Republicans have done to the Capitol and America. Add to that the four years of the grossly and dangerously incompetent Drumpf, and they are in absolutely no position to dictate the terms the country should take. Because they have no power whatsoever!
The adults are in charge now, brats! Time for you to grow the fuck up!
"I'm confident that Joe Biden will flex his muscles on the GOP and tell them "my way or the highway!""
I hope so. But not holding my breath. Biden and Democrats are too used to playing by the rules.