“The gun lobby’s primary goal isn’t to protect the integrity of the Second Amendment. ... The number one role of the NRA and other lobby groups is as an advertising agency.”

That’s stating the obvious. The gun lobby’s goal isn’t to protect the 2nd Amendment any more than the right-to-life lobby’s goal is to protect children.

IMHO, the next mass shooting (and the inevitable one after that, and the one that is certainly to come after that) should be at NRA headquarters.

Not to convince and Republicans in Congress to support even the most reasonable of gun controls (Hell, a mass attack on their own workplace by people crying for their blood hasn’t even given them pause.) but to silence forever the people bribing them to kill children.

(Nice commercial. LOVE the way in the family shot how they’re all casually pointing their guns at each other. “Responsible gun owners” Ha!)

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I'm amazed--and nonplussed-- there was no gun violence at the Capitol riot. Imagine a Mitt Romney or Mike Pence running with real blood coming out from a vital organ. The thoughts and prayers would overflow a 2 liter soda bottle.

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Best article on the cause of the gun problem that I have read. Republicans have perfected the secret gun ownership sauce: 1 part macho, 1 part "my daddy taught me how to use a rifle responsibly," 2 parts patriotism, and 2 parts libertarian "it's my right" entitlement. Mix thoroughly and repeat daily until inculcation is complete. I can envision the day when a MAGA gun fanatic shoots Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley together...and the Republicans send thoughts and prayers to their loved ones, then go on with their business.

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You forgot the the 5 parts of "because it will bother the libs" which is in the forefront of everything MAGAs do.

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Mix thoroughly, repeat daily until inculcation is complete, then place on high heat with rampant mass shootings until liberals complaints come to a boil.

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