Rather ask, is Trump's manifest dementia the efflorescence of tertiary syphilis through the crust of amphetamine psychosis?

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I'd like to frame this question. Brilliant.

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Please do, and post it far and wide! The truth shall set us free...

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I’m not completely on board with expanding the Supreme Court, but in any case, it’s not something that Biden could do on his own. It’s less a question of who sits in the White House than a question of who controls Congress; unless the Democrats control both houses, and control the Senate by a significant margin, it seems to me that there’s no practical way the court can be expanded.

Possible impeachment of, say, Clarence Thomas, on the other hand… 🤔😉😊

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When y’all were talking about how Jews are held to a stricter standard then, say, China, there was another aspect to that that you didn’t mention. That is the racist assertion that Arabs and Muslims oughtn’t be held to that kind of standard because they’re not adequately civilized.

On the other hand, if we’re talking specifically about comparing Israel and Hamas (beyond Muslims and Arabs as an aggregate), I believe the imbalance is due to the fact that nobody considers Hamas civilized. They’re a terrorist organization. A religion-driven, violent revolutionary cabal. Everybody knows it. But Israel is a nominally democratic society. That Israel is held to a higher standard than a terrorist organization is probably not terribly unreasonable. I mean, aren’t they supposed to be the good guys? It’s Israel’s failure to act like the good guys that is the source of most of the reasonable (i.e. not anti-semitism based) criticism, including that among North American Jews.🤔😉😊

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I know this is my hobby horse but . . .

You need a third person. If it can’t be Bob, find someone else who can banter (sorry!) comfortably between the two of you. Hopefully a woman. There’s just something about your format that suggests to me that three is the magic number.

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I know I’m starting to be a broken record about this (now there’s an obsolete metaphor), but we must not accept that violence toward Jews “counts as ‘left-wing’ activism”, or that it’s supported by the “extreme left”. That is nowhere near what the “left“ was in the 60s, or the 80s, or for that matter in the 30s and 40s. We need a new label for this activity that includes neither the words “left” nor “progressive“ — because it is neither. 🤔😉😊

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I totally agree with Justin‘s projection of what would happen if TFG was actually faced with jail time. They’d have to take him into custody right out of the courtroom; he’ll skip any appeal bail. Justin‘s not the only place I’ve heard that, btw. If ever there was a flight risk…🤔😉😊

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