“ but his party ... will need to build coalitions and make concessions if he is to have much of an influence on anything.”
Not something Republicans are likely to ever except. The idea that they might have to compromise is entirely foreign to the modern Republican. I don’t see them being in the minority changing that mindset at all.
Unfortunately, it’s not at all foreign to the modern Democrat. And my expectation is that, stupidly, the Dems will try to “work with those across the aisle” instead of, as the good of the country and preservation of democracy requires, bitch slapping them and telling them to fuck off.
Yes, it’s a perpetuation of partisanship. But when the other side is unrepentant fascists and mobsters who have as the ONLY item on their agenda the other destruction of the country, damn right you keep things partisan.
“ the Democrats will now control all branches of the US government.”
Not the Court.
“ but his party ... will need to build coalitions and make concessions if he is to have much of an influence on anything.”
Not something Republicans are likely to ever except. The idea that they might have to compromise is entirely foreign to the modern Republican. I don’t see them being in the minority changing that mindset at all.
Unfortunately, it’s not at all foreign to the modern Democrat. And my expectation is that, stupidly, the Dems will try to “work with those across the aisle” instead of, as the good of the country and preservation of democracy requires, bitch slapping them and telling them to fuck off.
Yes, it’s a perpetuation of partisanship. But when the other side is unrepentant fascists and mobsters who have as the ONLY item on their agenda the other destruction of the country, damn right you keep things partisan.
My meme says it all.
And you meme is... ?
Look to the left of this comment. :(
You mean your avatar?
Yes, forgot that was the term for it.