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Nice work, but nobody beats what "someone else" had to say on the same subject:


The thing that is most disturbing to me, in a sea of disturbing things — is that there is no opportunity in all of humanity, to observe the world we live in, and to see all the scope of life in the world, like being President of the United States. You sit there, and for 4 years, or for 8 years — the crème de la crème of society is presented to you.

“Here’s the bravest man and woman in the military. Here’s the smart scientists. Here’s the most dedicated children in their learning.”

You get to see the ugliest . . . what are terrorists doing in torture camps. You see the world from a vista that only a man, or one day a woman, can have that outlook. And I thought to myself: “Surely, when he won . . . he would change as a result of that.”

Every day, you’re having meetings and talking to serious people. And then you come into the Oval Office to “Here’s the winners of the Spelling Bee of San Diego.” . . .

And you meet these people, and life just comes washing over you. Your heart and your mind open up. What a learning experience — how much you learn about the world.

And I thought, “It’s gonna change him.” . . .

He didn’t change one f#%@g gram.


That says a great deal more about America than it does about Trump. "He has a rather narcotic joy in dismissal and belittlement." A ton of that goin’ around.

Now for the real reason I'm here . . .

Behold the Legacy of Your Beloved Sowell: Disciples on Duty:

There is no measure for how asinine these acolytes are in defending the indefensible — automatons devoid of rational thought & manners. Your behavior has not an atom of integrity, courtesy, curiosity, courage, decency:

Or any virtue of any kind.

On evidence involving artillery rockets and material properties of centrifuge rotors — the apostles of Sowell smugly cite his books on economics, race, and whatnot:

Anything to glorify him as they abandon any notion of accountability — butchering his bedrock beliefs as they dance in delight behind their force field of fallacy.

These people do nothing but question my motives, mock my site, and assault my character — then proudly post quotes of Sowell looking stately as he condemns the very thing they’re doing.


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