Shared! I was having this same conversation with someone. We all played sports when young with big strong gifted athletes, both male & female, and never thought anything about it, other than being happy they were on our team! The Trans issue is nothing different in my opinion.

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And by the logic of this response and by the article itself we might as well just get rid of all categories male and female and just have boys and girls play sports together that's completely insane and that's what the Republicans are fighting against and that's why I have left the Democratic party because this kind of thinking supports genital mutilation of kids that are too young to understand what's going on they can wait until they're 18 years old to decide if they're transgender or not. And I'm not against apparent making a decision about a child born with ambiguous genitals about which way to have that child go but that's a different issue here than all of this trans movement madness that's happening in the world that's being driven by corporate elites to drive us against each other

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Good points all. But let’s not debunk and say we did. Debunking is another form of explaining, and explaining puts the explainer in a subordinate position, which is just where the liar wants them to be.

Spewing disinformation is first and foremost a dominance move. So the trick is to undercut the liars argument by asking them to explain its weakest points.

So instead of telling them how few trans girls are in HS sports in their state, demand that they tell YOU.

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I'm not communicating with anti-trans bigots, I'm supplying non-bigots with talking points they can borrow and repeat. That's the point of this.

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Repeat to whom, and to what end?

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Friends, family, social media, co-workers, comment sections like this, etc, etc.

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You're comparing people who were born genetic males to people who were born genetic females. Many if not most of These so-called trans that you are defending to compete in female sports haven't even committed to going through with the genital mutilation that would at least make them appear like genetically born women. I am a lifelong Democrat and the woke and saying madness of the democratic party in addition to several other issues has driven me away and has me seriously considering all other options. The woke madness makes no sense at all and many people seem to be waking up to this they certainly have woken up to it in Europe I don't know why America seems to be asleep at the wheel and encouraging gentle mutilation to children who are much too young to understand the consequences. All of this ESG is encouraging complete Insanity like drag queen story hour none of it makes sense if you knew what was driving it you might understand it better

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You obviously didn't read the article.

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Karl Skellenger:

Watch out, they will accuse you of being some sort of bigoted Trump supporter.

" Victoria Hood, a former cycling champion and manager of a British all-female cycling team, challenged McKinnon, telling Sky that “it is not complicated, the science is there and it says that it is unfair. The male body, which has been through male puberty, still retains its advantage, that doesn’t go away. I have sympathy with them. They have a right to do sport but not a right to go into any category they want.”

On Saturday, McKinnon issued a press release denouncing Hood for having “an irrational fear of trans women.” "


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"The woke madness makes no sense at all and many people seem to be waking up to this ..."

They're waking up to it? Doesn't that just mean they'll be woke, too?

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No. Because I am not woke so I am not waking up to awoke madness I am waking up to The madness of woke

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Doesn’t pass the Turing test.

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Apr 27, 2023
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Bots can't read.

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