Idiot Trump will eventually fall on his own sword. His neice mentioned how his actions are primarily instinctive. Instincts are no substitute when thought, logic, skill and foresight are required.

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Well Bob, rather than waiting for people to come to the realization that Republicans make terrible presidents, perhaps we should focus in on the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™, who would rather see the country ruled by Republicans, because their chaotic rule has been very good profitably for them. So they basically try and play their "BOTHSIDES!!!" game to make Democrats equally as bad as Republicans. Just look at the Washington Post's attempts to normalize Drumpf by asking its writing staff to come up with positive things from his corrupt presidency!

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"With his attention singularly focused on winning the 2020 election by any means, he refused to take the critically substantive steps toward containing the spread."

Thing is, had he done anything near barely competent about the pandemic he probably would have won re-election easily. But his focus on winning in 2020 was entirely on the economy. Fortunately, in typical fashion, he was unable to be seen to "lose", to weather a downturn in the economy, even in exchange for the much bigger win of being able to legitimately brag bout handling the pandemic well.

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