It took years to get Silvio Berlusconi into the dock and convicted of anything. And this was after there was legislation to protect him. But finally he was. So I hold out some slim hope that a battered U.S. democracy will somehow emerge intact enough to continue, and the American felon will get what he deserves.

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Yeah, the king has no clothes

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I agree. These are not distractions; they are little cracks in the dam holding in our democracy.

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BIG cracks.

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Now is the time for REAL American patriots to rise up like the Founding Fathers did against the British monarchy in 1775!

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Wasn’t it Lord North? Even in 1776, England had a parliament.

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Indeed, and if the King (a constitutional monarch) had decided on his own to give the 13 Colonies what they had been asking for since the Treaty of Paris, his ministers and Parliament - led by North - would have put the kibosh on that.

What was abusive was that the American colonies had no representation in Parliament - no MPs, no voice.

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That’s what Trump’s Press Sec & his allies say, and they’re right. EXCEPT not in the sense of being frank, open, honest and candid. Instead he’s transparent, as in, we can see through his lies, his motivations & who owns him! 🇷🇺

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Didn’t France have a king

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There’s only been one American King worthy of that title (two if you count Elvis); Martin Luther King. Trump’s a puppet of his Russian lord and master.

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He has become Henry Vlll

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I'm also sick of being told what's important and what's not important. Look into the implications of the Gulf of Mexico name change more deeply, please. It mirrors tactics used by China in renaming bodies of water and islands in order to assert dominance over Taiwan. There's a lot to it. At best it sets a precedent for other authoritarian regimes to pursue this tack. At worst it sets a precedent for U.S. dominance over our friend and neighbor Mexico, for who knows what insanity the Trump regime oneway mentions in a whim that then becomes policy. It sets precedent for the U.S. to act as a determining force in *international waters*. And for millions of Americans who live in states that border the Gulf who disagree with trump and his cronies both at the Federal and state levels, it's personal and yet another way to deliver a gut punch and to disempower those millions who are already disempowered in "red" states. So yeah to all the other stuff, but don't be so quick to be dismissive of that issue, especially in the same breath and sentence where you are complaining about others diminishing the importance of the whirlwind of Trump's statements. This one was an ACTION, not just a statement, and it matters even if it seems small.

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Idk what the context was i read it as king of new york

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