1) As a big technology enthusiast, I used to be an Elon Musk fanboy. That stopped a long time ago, but I still can't believe how far to the right he has moved politically.

2) I would respectfully disagree with Justin about Gingrich being the start of the "assholiness" of the Republican leaders. I'd lay the blame at the feet of Rush Limbaugh, who through his show brainwashed millions into thinking that being a selfish, hateful prick was somehow a virtue. And, his use of the obnoxious, infuriating term "Feminazi" made my blood boil--my late mother was an actual Nazi refugee, and his terminology demeaned the fight for gender equality but at the same, it completely discounted how evil the actual Nazis were.

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It’s hard to pinpoint when movements/attitudes/whatever you wanna call them actually begin. But I’d say the modern Republican Party’s goes back to well before either Gingrich or Limbaugh.

Reagan’s administration was riddled with distain for lawfulness and governmental norms. As was Nixon’s before him.

At least at the time of Nixon most other leaders of the Republican party recognized his crimes and pushed him to resign, showing that they recognized certain behaviors could not be tolerated.

Which may have been the very last time that was the case.

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The contrast between Republican leadership 50 years ago and current Republican leaders is striking, to be sure. However, Reagan (for all of his many faults) still (I think) respected the institution of government, and there are many stories of he and Tip O'Neill (the longtime Democrat Speaker of the House) working out deals that would give each party a bit of what they wanted. I sense nothing like that from the current Republicans, who are all about "owning the Libs" and not much more than that.

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"Reagan (for all of his many faults) still (I think) respected the institution of government"

That would be would be Ronald "government is the problem" Reagan?

Yes, he was better than the Republican Party has been for at least 40 years. But don't let his ability to compromise on some things serve as cover for the fact that his administration was intensely corrupt, starting even before he was in office (just ask the hostages he forced to be held by Iran longer than they needed to be).

Even several meetings with O'Neill to work out compromises doesn't wash his hands of even one discussion with Contras on arms deals.

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They are both LOSERS & CHEATS. Simple enough!

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Bob, I’m curious as to why you refer to Musk almost exclusively by his first name.

The journalistic standard is to refer to people by their last names. A practice that you follow for, as far as I can tell, for every other person you write about. Throughout this article, for example, you refer to Trump as Trump.

I know it’s not the case, but constantly (idiosyncratically?) referring to him by his first name makes it seem like you’re friends. Two people who are on a first name basis.

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I just started referring to him by his first name and it became a habit. No grand scheme or intention. Just how it emerges from my brain. I've also been trying to follow Mary Trump's lead, referring to Trump as "Donald" but "Trump" is what involuntarily rolls out of my brain. Ultimately, I create a metric ton of content during any given week, and so minor style things tend to calcify through repetition, appropriately or not.

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Thanks. I appreciate the reply.

(And the metric ton of content.)

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Elon's psychological profile will help bring some clarity to his chaos. https://samray.substack.com/p/the-grooming-of-elon-musk-a-psychological-139

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