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I really hope that the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit severely damages Fox News' ratings and its bottom line. The network should be fined the billion of dollars that the plaintiff is asking for, and just maybe, it might prevent them from duping the public as it did during the 2020 election coverage. And it still continues to do so even at the present moment. I wish in a perfect society that people like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and others like them are stripped of their lofty positions in "disinformation" journalism. Actually, it's not even journalism, as you have indicated. These "news" hosts are performance artists, nothing more. It's so sad that they have such a large audience of gullible dupes who believe the bullshit that they peddle. This is how divided our country has become since the coming of Dumpf. We are definitely in what has been called a "post-truth" era of our country.

I agree with Ben over the abominable attack by the right on the trans community. It is very offensive to direct this excessive anger toward such a marginalized community that has been physically attacked and even killed over decades now. When will this madness end? Those who continue these assaults on such a vulnerable community must be called out at every instance.

I am also outraged by what is being done in the Sunshine State by its fascistic governor who looks like Fred Flintstone all the more, in my opinion. I don't even enjoy visiting the state anymore because of the tense atmosphere there. It's actually the bad drivers that contribute to my unwillingness to travel down there.

As for your podcast's conclusion, it would really be fantastic if Donald Trump would finally be indicted - for something already, damn it!

Hope that Justin recovers from COVID-19 real soon.

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