I think this article is important. I have read posts by friends saying they were also kicked off, and some for minor reasons.

Myself, lately I was kicked off for calling a Qanon cultist, journalists bashing, Covid 19 disinformation spreading idiot a "silly boy"!

Meanwhile disgusting bigotry is often allowed. Facebook often uses weird algorythms to determine who to censor. I would think

Zuckergerg makes enough profit that he could hire more people to

handle actual vetting occasionally.

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You've been cancelled.

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Fucking Zuckerberg! Facebook needs to be broken up. And so should Zuckerberg. Preferably on a breaking wheel!

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I agree, they have enough capital to hire a small town of people if they wanted to differentiate between hate propaganda, and well-researched articles. I love the banter, always have. You all deserve much better than getting swept up in this censorship vacuum. If a petition winds up happening I'm in.

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"Most of our referral traffic still comes through Facebook despite our best attempts to have nothing to do with the platform." You get what you pay for: nothing. Your subscribers get what they pay for: access to and support for incisive writing. Ben, you could host a web site for very little and get subscribers who want what you have without Facebook, Instagram or any of the other useless "free" social media sites. 'Build it and they will come.'

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