This should be the beginning of change, and not the end. If we truly want to honor the memory of George Floyd, we need reforms in our police departments and go after officers who feel that wearing a police uniform gives them carte blanche to ruin anyone's life just because they're different from them. Otherwise, we're just paying lip service to Floyd's memory!

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Heart breaking to see this in our country, but not even remotely surprising. So many layers to unpack here, starting with outrageously poor screening in hiring practices. Followed by gnarly corruption and racism in police unions and finally terrible terrible false filing of reports by police involved in incidents like these and pathetic follow up by upper echelons in police departments- one look at Chauvin’s record would show any simple minded moron that he shouldn’t be allowed in a uniform, much less given a gun. Certainly there are many terrific, decent police. Unfortunately and perhaps unfairly they have to step up and go beyond their traditional roles in order not to be smeared with the same brush as Chauvin. They have to rein in thugs like Chauvin as opposed to his comrades standing by while he murdered George Floyd. Maybe, if and when his buddies get some jail time for their part in this terrible event, others similarly inclined will get the message that this crap will no longer be accepted as business as usual. Certainly this is one of many areas of systemic racism that our country has to address if it is to once again claim greatness. Right now it is anything but great. Thanks again republicans.

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"Certainly there are many terrific, decent police. ..."

No doubt.

"... They have to rein in thugs like Chauvin as opposed to his comrades standing by while he murdered George Floyd."

So how come we never hear about that? Where are all the examples of these "terrific, decent police" stepping in and stopping the bad ones, or publicly standing up and calling them out?

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While I understand your point and am extremely sympathetic to it, there must be many police who do a good job without any special recognition for it. What is desperately needed, however, are police to stand up to the apparent substantial number of racist criminals within their ranks.

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Curious what would have happened if Floyd hadn't resisted arrest? Or had not passed a counterfeit $20 bill? Or had not been strung out on Fentanyl? Oh well, these minor details are not important. We have a martyr and that's what's important.

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what are you suggesting? That he should have been killed for using a counterfeit bill and being on drugs?

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Don't think I've ever seen a more desperate attempt to blame the victim.

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I guess there are at least 12 people who don’t agree with you. Your sarcasm as well as yourself are deplorable.

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