I'm not bothered by any of you swearing, by the way. Bring it on! The batshit tenor of the times almost demands a strong reaction from you commentators. The more important thing is what you say, not how you say it.

This Fox News story is so crucial in the country's understanding of how craven and greedy the network really is. The lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems should really result in kneecapping this propaganda outlet. As Justin pointed out, the network will not be bankrupted by this suit. Regretfully, it will carry on, no matter how large a settlement the plaintiff receives. But it could damage them in some way. Will their own audience realize that they have been continuously lied to? Any loss for Republicans is good in the long run. Mainstream media must now acknowledge Fox "News" as an "infotainment" channel and nothing else.

Justin's piece on "Cat Turd"'s pronouncement that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is fabricated is just so crazy. It's totally Orwellian in its scope. It's like that film years ago called "Wag the Dog" in which a war is fabricated as a distraction for the waning fortunes of the president in office at the time. I think it came out in 1997.

I agree with Ben about how stupid MTG really is. Everything she says is a total joke. Let her talk like a frenetic insane person and let the swing votes for the repugnican party go out the window.

I can't understand how anyone on the right does not support this patent aggression on the part of Russia against a neighboring country. Let them emigrate to Putin's Russia and see how free they will be in Putin's dictatorship.

I'm very disturbed by what Justin mentioned at the end of the podcast: the increase in antisemitism seen in this country. It's a very concerning issue right now. I was aghast over the neo-Nazi demonstration outside the theater here on Broadway showing the Leo Frank play, "Parade," starring Ben Platt. It was unconscionable that this small group of Jew haters took their protest to 45th Street right in the heart of the Broadway district. But these are the times we live in.

I hope you will cover the CPAC insanity next week since it just happened over this weekend. Many right-wing nut jobs took to the stage to spew the same old repugnican tropes, but this time, they declared war against the trans community, I read. MTG mentioned that she will introduce legislation banning gender-affirming care in the country. She is not only insane but dangerous.

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Oh, ffs. I don't give a shit whether or not you curse. Supposedly we're all adults, and to have you all stumbling over your words and trying to talk like third-grade teachers in a classroom is irritating. I was going to say 'fucking irritating', but I guess that counts as pearl-clutching words to some. Please, please, my vote is to just say what you want to say!

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That's enough fucking swearing from you too! Seriously though, I hear you.

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LOL! And seriously, from this side, too, what you say is much more important than how you say it. I love this podcast, and will continue to be a banter member no matter how you say things. :)

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