Is Sullivan living in a cube-shaped Bizarro world?

DeSantis goes “to war against wokeness” by using the power of the state to crush dissent, and Sullivan sees in this “the totalitarian essence of wokeness”?!

Critics of “woke” complain openly against that it supports equality for all, and Sullivan sees wokeness as “a denial of core American values”??!!

Carlson spends hour after hour attacking critical race theory as THE evil of our time, and Sullivan sees Carlson as not being pulled into “the cynical distraction of critical theory madness”???!!!

And that’s from just ONE sentence he wrote!

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Congratulations, that’s very cool ! I have been following the D Beres podcast, good stuff.

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Thanks Ben! Looking forward to your guest appearance on the Derek Beres podcast. PS I think it is E Jean Carroll

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Good catch! thanks Maureen!

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