“The point of my post on Notes was to ask how this can be done without playing into that hysteria.”

I don’t think it can be done. The right is going to freak out no matter what the left (or far left) do. If the left were to adopt Project 2025 the right would get hysterical about whatever bizarre conspiracy they imagined that indicated the left was actually up to. So looking for some way to criticize the “woke” left without ruffling the feathers of the right is pointless.

Attempting to do so strikes me as similar to the (self-defeating) concerns Democrats often express about calling Republicans out on their shit. The “If we criticize them too harshly they might become uncooperative.” attitude that utterly fails to acknowledge that they’re going to be obstructionist whether you call them on it or not.

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“in the wake of [the] racially motivated mass shooting at a Buffalo, NY supermarket”

Off topic from your post, but I advocate denying mass murderers notoriety by not publicizing their names.

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The far left doesn't want to wake up. The far left wants Trump to win, again, same as they wished in 2016. Both the far left and the far right are against democracy, both want a civil war, both are amoral, believe in terrorism and find human suffering acceptable as a catalyst to "revolution". This isn't even new! The far left isn't just Antifa, they gave us the Manson Family, the Weathermen, Black Panthers. They gave us the McKinley assassination. The far left and far right are sociopaths and have wanted a violent civil war forever.

The real question is why do progressives choose to be the useful idiots of the far left.

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“… and find OTHER PEOPLE’S human suffering acceptable as a catalyst to "revolution".”

Clarified that for you. The far left is okay with any suffering they’re revolution causes because they believe their desired destruction of society will leave them unaffected.

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You are right, and it just shows how historically ignorant the far left are. It was the Marxist in Iran who recruited Khomeini and within a few years, those Marxist got executed by the far right Islamist conservatives.

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On the DEI industry I keep waiting for the obvious rejoinder meme to be created to their difference between equality and equity image that everyone has seen. the one with the 3 different height ppl trying to look over a fence where equity lifts them all to the same height, well by that logic equity would also be just as accurate if it showed that now all 3 people were incapable of seeing over the fence

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I'm holding out hope that the NY Times continues to improve. Speaking of headlines, at first glance I thought yours said "F**king Monkeys" and braced myself to read about their latest mayhem.

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