So Twitter the public square is to become X, the product none of us will be able to live without. Seeing as I lived without Twitter from its inception through 2022, I fail to see the value.

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If you want to learn about the psychology of woke & give a big FU to toxic Ben Shapiro, Here you go. https://samray.substack.com/p/the-psychology-of-woke-part-ii

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“Donald Trump figured out that...”

Heh. I have a real hard time believing he’s capable of figuring anything out.

It’s more a matter of him blundering ahead, being his stupid self, and lucking into the fact that those eager to resent and blame found something appealing in his bluster than any kind of actual strategizing on his part.

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I have been a longtime supporter of Israel, but this "judicial reform" is nothing but a naked power grab. It is (in my mind) indefensible. I am incredibly disappointed that it passed.

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