Another thing worth discussing soon is today's ABC/WaPost poll that shows Trump "trouncing" Biden in a rematch. On the podcast, you discussed the importance of the media positioning elections as a horse race, but I have a feeling selling a likely flawed poll as official "approval ratings" only drives the narrative, getting lots of people who don't vote no incentive to do so. Having worked in the polling arena before, I've seen first hand that there is a difference between the type of person willing to take a poll, and the average person. Most people who agree to be polled want to vent. Hence why Trump will likely always poll better than Biden who is boring, but getting a lot of stuff done. The Dems need to trumpet his victories and position him as the most consequential president since FDR -- and while doing this, telling the media to STFU. To hear the head of the DNC say she "lost sleep" over the poll numbers instead of offering a counterpoint is absolutely maddening.

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“I have a feeling selling a likely flawed poll as official "approval ratings" only drives the narrative”

Given that you have worked in the polling arena before, and have first-hand knowledge of how they are conducted, and, apparently, their weaknesses, why do you only have a “feeling“?

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Weren’t Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine produced by pharmaceutical companies would profit by selling the drugs. BigPharma was always going to reap benefits.

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Right. I could never understand why these medicines created by giant pharmaceutical companies were good but the newer ones were bad.

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20 or so years ago there might have been a show/TV host on CNN, a Sunday show or for sure the Daily Show where an RFK, Jr. would vomit crazy and his "campaign" would be toast based largely on that. Now, between cherry-picking media outlets and hosts for said outlets trying to see/present "both sides" you get "...and we'll just have to leave it at that..." and the bs goes unchallenged.

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“...was told by the Republican leader of the State Senate to stop bringing up gun legislation or be barred from speaking at all.”

Tells you all anyone should need to know about modern Republicans.

- They are doing everything they can to end Democracy in America.

- They have ZERO interest in doing anything for their constituents.

- They DO NOT CARE that children are being murdered.

And, yes, the fix is blindingly obvious and simple: vote them out of office. Every single one of them.

The problem that keeps that from happening is that the “tells you all you need to know about Republicans” doesn’t just apply to the Republican politicians in office. Each of the bullet points is just as true for Republican voters.

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I take exception to calling Andrew Sullivan "formerly sane."

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