All I needed to know about Threads came from looking at the permissions it wanted when you install it on an iPhone.


TLDNR version- they basically collect everything. All the information your phone generates. Like, go to Apple's webpage and every goddamn category they have is collected by Threads. It is the ultimate hoovering app.


The "sensitive info" field is interesting. Here's Apple's definition of what fits in that category-

"Sensitive Info. Sensitive Info. Such as racial or ethnic data, sexual orientation, pregnancy or childbirth information, disability, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, political opinion, genetic information, or biometric data."

If that doesn't scare the crap out of you enough to avoid Threads like the plague, I don't know what does.

So while Elon Musk is going insane and obsessing, literally, over Zuck's dick


and that's is objectively hilarious, Threads and the Zuckerverse is not the answer. I've not encountered a lot of apps in all my years of using smartphones that want the level of data that Threads is sucking up. There's a reason why you can't use it in the EU- it's basically illegal there to suck up this much of your data.

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Thanks for this analysis, Ornithomancer. I had a queasy feeling about Threads just because of where it came from, but I really appreciate you breaking it down like this.

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“These weapons, as the Times editorial board describes, are terrifying:”

The link in that is not working.

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fixed. thanks Christopher!

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Bill Maher is as right-wing as the other right-wingers. He always comparing Liberal media with the lying Rightwing media there is no I mean no comparison I stop watching Bill in 2021. Please do not compare Bill Maher in the same sentence as Rachel.

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I bailed on Maher back when he put Milo on his show but in this case the article isn't comparing Maher to Rachel Maddow at all. He's saying that the page he built up in facebook was regularly read by and used by Maher and Maddow shows. No comparison, just an illustration of how significant it was in the greater media world.

Also if this is a reference to Facebook Armageddon where everyone got their reach butchered that would put it circa 2017. Maher was doing his heel turn around then but previous to that he was pretty solidly left-leaning. He just got butthurt because his comedy stopped being culturally relevant.

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I was bullied off of Twitter in October ‘16, and never looked back. And as much as I would like to be part of an online community like Twitter once was, I join Ben in my reluctance to have anything to do with Facebook/Meta. I’ll live with the sacrifice.🤔😉😊

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I have to agree! I’m still on Twitter, barely. I read tweets, but rarely engage

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Same. I joined years ago during a Neil Degrasse Tyson lecture to reply to a tweet he sent during the lecture and haven’t used the account since.

I’ve started following Justin’s tweets recently and occasionally look at a few others, but am solely a reader and never post/reply.

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I joined in 2013 to follow sports and ended up in the political sphere

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Thank you for hating "Threads". I don't even trust Zuckerberg with my basic information.

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If cluster munitions are a potential war crime and banned by Congress, how do we have them to send? Shouldn’t Congress have required the destruction of them if they’re banned? Biden isn’t making them in the White House basement.

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If I remember correctly the US did not sign on to the treaty to stop producing cluster munitions. We are an anomaly.

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According to Marge, these are banned by Congress. Did Congress ban them but not require their destruction? If it’s a war crime, why do we have a stockpile of them? Just trying to make sense of her post. Tough job, to be sure.

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So, as usual, Marge is telling a half truth. Congress passed a law, but it’s about the dud rate and the president, according to the law, can bypass it.

The debate can be had as to whether we should send them, but MTG is being typically hyperbolic.

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Oh it's Madge Tadge Gadge? I don't know why she's so bent out of shape the Jewish Orbital Space Lasers can just pew pew pew zap them from orbit and all will be well.

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Looks like we put restrictions on it:


We didn't ban them and exporting cluster munitions with more than 1% dud rates can be bypassed by presidential waiver.

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I was just reading that same article. 🙌

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Great minds etc etc...

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I had an experience with FB about a year ago or so where a hacker hacked into my account (which I had bent over backwards to keep secure), circumvented the recovery system (I never got the security codes on my phone), then had my zombie account violate FB's TOS, which tanked the account. There was no one to interact with, no way to salvage the account, no way to get the information back that was on the account (e.g., my "friends" list), and no way to know how the hacker was going to use all of that information they obtained.

I also had an author page associated with my primary account, which I lost access to as well. It eventually disappeared. The same thing happened to a musician friend of mine and locally, a small business who depended on FB for their business had it happen to them, too. FB could not care less. If these antisocial men-children were not so obsessed with being billionaires, they could, in fact, have some customer service to help address issues like this, but it would appear they don't really care about anything except being the biggest, wealthiest, most powerful, etc. Certainly they don't care about their "users." Because we don't pay for the platform, we are not considered customers, who might warrant some customer service. But they are still becoming billionaires, by using our usage of their apps.

I'm very sorry this happened to The Daily Banter. It's infuriating. All the more reason for me not to put any energy or effort into Threads.

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I constantly remember my son saying (as he left Facebook) ‘On Facebook, you are the product’ and they have all our data. I had over 3K followers on Twitter (though only about 300 seemed real), but I quit as soon as Elon dropped 3 step verification.

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I am anti-Threads. Thank you. 👍

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Yeah, your son is right. And honestly, it is so creepy to exploit the human need to connect socially for the gain of essentially one person, in the end. And yes, Twitter has become a freaking train wreck. Such a shame, despite all the nastiness on the platform even before Musk took over, given that it had the potential to be a global town square and a way for public organizations to get out essential information about disasters like wildfires, extreme weather, etc.

Someone said everything Trump touches dies. Well, it would seem that everything a billionaire runs dies, if not in the way Twitter is imploding, then a sort of King Midas situation where everything they touch might turn to gold but which leads to an emotional and social "death" of not only the Midas character, but those touched by them. The traits that lead someone to become a billionaire do not lend themselves to cooperation or even a smidgeon of altruism. Very sad that altruism seems to have become a quaint concept these days. when it will become ever more important for the survival of the species and civilization as climate change rampages.

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The fake LSM and the spineless democrats could combat the lies and misinformation if they would stop Trump,Trump, Trump every day and blast the TV with the truth vs lies.

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