I have a feeling the reason Brexit passed is the same reason Trump won in 2016. Enough people thought it would be fun to "protest vote", knowing it/him had no chance of winning. Therefore when Hillary won and/or UK stayed in the EU, the smug voter could say "well, don't blame me, I voted for...". The same thing is happening now with leftists and centrists who are either going to vote for RFKJr or stay home, therefore they can smugly say "well, don't blame me....". I'm hoping within the next six months it truly sinks in there will be no election in 2028 if Trump wins. On this weekend's pod, you two went on about who would run in 2028, but it's clear, Trump will remain on the throne until he passes, then DonJr will be appointed President, then Baron. No apologies to Eric. Jared Kushner would likely be an evergreen VP or Secretary of State, while they also appoint agitators like Kid Rock, Dwayne Johnson, Kyle Rittenhouse, Sean Hannity, and Milo whatever the hell his name is, to made up cabinet positions of power.

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Trump β€˜16 and Brexit (along with LePen and others) were clearly, even at the time, different manifestations or the same illiberal impulse threatening democracy throughout Europe and North America. πŸ€”πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

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The failure of Brexit also recalls the difference between things politicians run on and things they actually want to do. Conservatives are supposed to run on crime, immigration, and abortion -- but never actually move the needle in order to keep their base afraid, angry, and voting. They WANT to lower taxes and eliminate regulations -- in the shadows of course. And then Trump and Johnson come in and muck up their nefarious plans by actually doing shit like overturning Roe and slamming the doors on European access.

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Their voting against the border deal that gave them everything they wanted is a prime example, but just one.

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β€œI try to make a point of not talking ill about the dead”

Maybe, if the person wasn’t that bad and one wants to be considerate to those still alive who are grieving. But only to a β€œif you can’t say something nice…” extent.

Anyone who was an asshole in life should not get any break once dead. And no hesitation should be felt when talking about them once they are.

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Ben but Who Else?

Was it the Mossad Agent

Eli Copter


Jewish Space Lasers ?

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1. The AP has an article that the ICC war crimes prosecutor seeks the arrest of Israeli and Hamas leaders including Netanyahu.

2. Iran president: frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.

3. Brexit: what killed me about this is the day after the vote, people in the UK were googling Brexit because they didn’t really understand it.

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It’s great to read your piece about Brexit. Thank you.

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I thought the whole Brexit business was all about 'those immigrants' - when I would go back to UK from the US where I live, all I would hear was moaning about all the Polish people that were 'taking jobs away' from the Brits. They were furious about that & most had no real issues about much else! So - why the Polish were their target I do not know except that was the group that stood out to people. People do not like change - when I was a small kid in London. I distinctly remember the grownups complaining about 'those Irish' who were always it was said 'drunk & rowdy'. There is always an 'out' group used as the target for complaints, it seems to be a natural human behavior! I don't think any bottom level person ever had enough information or understanding to know if Brexit would be good or bad for the country. Only now are they recognizing the changes & of course bitching about anything they don't like. And whatever the situation there is ALWAYS a price to pay for anything that changes!

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I doubt Israel

Would return to 1967 Borders.

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May 20Β·edited May 20

So Ratschitte β€” sorry, Ratcliffe β€” has decided Brexit β€œdidn’t turn out how people anticipated” and β€œhasn’t delivered what was promised”. β€œWhat was promised”? Promised by whom, Jimbo? Very passive admission. A clear attempt to try to weasel out of blame. (Appropriate apologies to actual weasels, as always.) πŸ€”πŸ˜‰πŸ˜Š

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In April 2016 I was in Manchester UK. There was a breakfast buffet in the hotel. As I was just sitting down with my food I saw a schlumpy blonde guy enter. Yes, it was Boris - probably up lobbying for Brexit. If I had known what was coming two months later I would’ve well I don’t know what I would have done but I was very happy I got my breakfast before Boris showed up.

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Brilliant and again I thank you for reminding us that it’s always about the Jews

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