It’s clear, Ukraine was wearing its skirt way too short… 🤔😉😊

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Never underestimate the power of a blathering moron.

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I used to think of Joe Rogan as cheap chocolate, better than nothing if it’s all you’ve got. But spoon-fed is right: now all that’s left is the spoon, and somehow, the spoon is him.

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You've summarized everything I've been thinking the past couple of weeks. When I saw Trump's Podcast tour on: Theo Von, Joe Rogan, Dave Ramsey, Patrick Bet-David Podcast, (whats his name...the kid who smells farts in chairs), Shawn Ryan, Lex Friedman etc. etc. etc. I knew that he was pandering to milk votes from the "Broligarchy" or "Theocracy Bros." They are the influencers who influence America's young white males to fantasize about living a "Trump" life: Being rich, saying whatever they want, dating hot models, and living above the law.

Trump selected JD Vance for this reason also to have a pet 40ish Theo Bro "yes" man as second in command. For me, as a second generation immigrant like Obama (biracial son of a Nigerian and Midwestern white hoosier mom), while I lived my entire life (I'm in my 40s) hoping America might shake off its ugly past, and make progress toward a just and fair society, I know that the "provincial white" hostility is high.

I have cousins who subscribe to the Joe Rogan / X.com / Musk Broligarchy Echo Chamber...and a mother who voted for Trump. They don't care about my life experience, what I think, how much I've read, written, or conveyed to them hear to heart...and I am their flesh and blood. I take my story and imagine it multiplied out by 70,000,000 Americans. In fact, I think they think that Trump really will help save America. Its absolute delusion fueled by this far-right podcaster/youtuber Broligarchy. They only choose to see the world through the propaganda juggernaut of Fox, Breitbart, Alex Jones, and sober Victor Davis Hanson essays.

Born in the 80s and tempered by the golden era of Conscious rap, my life experience coming of age surviving America's systemic racism in the 80s and 90s caused me to be highly conscientious and discerning about politics, I drifted to cosmopolitan cities NYC and Miami. I consider myself an independent. By no means am I a extreme leftist. But, those members of my family afixiated to Trumpism, will not let go of Trump as their hero, or even if they agree Trump is horrible, they use the economics or Debt to parrot X.com propaganda "its the Jews!" Or "White replacement theory" even if it is eventually harmful to me. This is painful both personally and for our country. We must continue to create systems that downgrade bafoonish "citizen journalism" and upgrade intelligent commentary. Joe Rogan even has a chimp monkey sound on his intro, as if to indicate he's a neanderthal caveman.

Many whites in America VOTED Trump back in office due to sheer fear and paranoia: "The immigrants are taking over!" Or "Trans are taking over." Or "Trump will get us out of war." ALL PERPETUATED by a disdain for mainstrem.corporate media msnbc, cnn, which also failed us in its nonchalance and false equivalence. MAGA followers all listen to those Broligarchy podcasters. Tulsi Gabbard feeds the same echo chamber. Her book For Love Of Country feeds the same narratives. She is a few Senate hearings from that DNI position. We cannot let this happen!

TRUMP spent $100 Million on Anti-Trans ads, which also convinced many black males to not vote for Harris. Many women with sons also fell into the anti-trans fears, when Trans are less than 1% of the population. Then Nancy Mace pushes the one Trans Congresswoman to the wall with these bathroom wars. MAGA wants to keep the culture wars flaming, because they know it keeps keeps their theo bro and broligarchy base fuming and seething! This new Trump Admin is the precipice of full blown institutional American Fascism. Everyone please write your Senators and Congress all the questions you want answered for these unqualified cabinet picks! Once these dunces get in offices, they will start driving the U.S.A. into hell, and it will be harder and harder to wrestle the steering wheel back every month that passes.

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I don't care who's a "Russian Asset" now. That phrase has no more meaning to me anymore just like the words fascist, racist, nazi, and bigot. https://shorturl.at/I13US

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Tulsi Gabbard had a very strange childhood: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/06/tulsi-gabbard-2020-presidential-campaign.html Tulsi Gabbard is a fraud: https://youtu.be/dGqL_jrdwc8?feature=shared Tulsi Gabbard Described as 'Advanced Devotee' in Alleged Cult https://www.newsweek.com/tulsi-gabbard-science-identity-foundation-advanced-devoteee-hindu-1990506 Tulsi Gabbard Office Manager Tied to Chris Butler Cult https://www.hawaiifreepress.com/Articles-Main/ID/12083/Tulsi-Gabbard-Office-Manager-tied-to-Chris-Butler-Cult "People have said the Science of Identity Foundation forbids people to speak publicly about the group, requires people to lie face down when Butler enters a room and even sometimes eat his nail clippings or "spoonfuls" of the sand he walked on, The New Yorker reported." https://www.newsweek.com/tulsi-gabbard-has-lauded-religious-leader-accused-running-abusive-cult-1985941

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Ok, perhaps people are using too many extreme "labels" for Tulsi's documented parroting of Russian propaganda. It is a fact that she says almost word for word what Putin says. Trump is already as close to a Russian asset as it gets without being a full blown Russian Asset. By default, her opportunitstic foray into MAGA from Bernie Sanders side, has her doing wild MAGA things. Since we dont have evidence that she is an asset, let's go back to her upbringing in the Science of Identity Foundation Cult under Chris Butler, her school days in the Phillipines in his SIF schools where the curriculum is exclusively Chris Butler, Butler's affiliations with India's far-right Modi and RSS, and her anti-muslim leanings. Why does she not mention Chris Butler in her propaganda origin storybook "For Love Of Country" She seems to be very pro-war when it is Isreal killing 40,000 Palestinians. She married two loyalists to Chris Butler and her mother and father are loyalists to Chris Butler. Not only is she unqualified to lead our entire Intelligence community of 18 agencies. As a Trump "yes" woman, she's unacceptable! I will leave out the superficial fact that she thinks she's "Rogue" from DC comics with the gray hair streak...maybe not. American's see right through her Cultish vibe. We hope one day you will too!

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Joe Rogan and his "just asking questions" shtick. It's a cover for his lack of detailed knowlege of the issues.

He looks like he may need heart surgery one day. When that day comes and he's on the operating table, I bet he won't want to be operated on by a bunch of clueless amateurs who say "Let's just learn about this as we go along".

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That's my standard reply to anyone who says they "did their own research" on Google and don't listen to experts.

Really? So when you feel your chest tighten and pain starts shooting down your left arm, you're going to seek guidance from some high school dropout who has loud opinions instead of the guy who graduated from medical school? When you get arrested, would you get your MAGA neighbor to represent you in court or an actual lawyer?

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Right. These populists make a lot of money out of their "Joe Everyman" facade.

But in their own lives they make sure they get the best lawyers, doctors, accountants, publicists, computer experts, web designers, architects, builders, interior designers, and so on.

Lack of expertise is something they gladly foist onto the credulous masses who follow them, but it's never something they accept when their own personal interests are at stake.

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It’s why Musk is all for “blowing up the economy” for a short while. Or Susan Sarandon and her ilk is all for having a revolution. Or the alt-left and Bernie Bros chant they want to “Bern” it all down.

Because Musk won’t be scrambling to afford food after being laid off and finding food stamps don’t exist anymore. It won’t be Sarandon’s blood in the street.

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“270 doctors and nurses wrote an open letter to Spotify begging them to crack down on this misinformation he was spreading.”

WOW! That’s even more than the 51 former intelligence officials who signed a letter asserting that the Hunter Biden laptop story had all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.

We all know that the establishment is never wrong! The government and the experts all love us!

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Today Musk announced intention to buy MSNBC and I can't imagine him not succeeding for he doesn't need to build a financial ROI into his offer. He could easily just outbid everyone and turn it into X-TV, forever silencing one last hope for televised counter programming to the MAGA Media Ecosystem. That said, MSNBC is also eroding viewers post election, including me. I used to watch 2 hours minimum daily, and am now simply as exhausted as I am defeated. Dr. Phil's failed unbiased media network experiment, Merit Street Media, is also in process of finding a new business model to fit into the extreme right, highly profitable MAGAverse. So much like Obi Wan Kenobi, the Banter is my only hope. Well, the Banter and Memes -- the DEMS need to build a meme machine unlike no other, and hire ridiculously sexy influencers to trumpet messages on social media.

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