His thoughtful response may be thoughtful, but it's still bullshit. Absence of a conviction does not mean the evidence goes away.

"Getting COVID wrong" is anything he wants it mean.

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Better correct this sentence : ‘Maddow's understanding of how vaccines work was certainly flawed, but there is absolutely evidence she was willfully misleading her audience.’…. I guess you are missing a very important NO as in NO EVIDENCE

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Fixed!! Thanks Leontina!!

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Trust the foreigner to be the grammar/spelling / editing police🤣

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Beat me to it! 👍🏻

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I do not find the language you use on your podcasts and in your articles to be offensive. Swearing is a natural part of passion. Keep it up.

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To answer your poll questions, Ben, I don’t follow banter on any of the platforms you list. I  have the Substack app on my phone and I use that. When on my computer I go to the URL i’ve had bookmark for ages (which I guess may also be Substack?). 

I followed you on Post since you started using it, but just recently stopped. Unlike every other site I go to, Post  keeps losing my login. I have your page bookmarked, but when I go there I have to login. And once I do, I’m not on your page and have re-find it. Since most of what you include there is when I can also see you on the Banter site as I already get to it (on phone or computer), I haven’t seen the point of staying on Post when it’s just a source of (admittedly slight) frustration for me. 

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A couple of thoughts:

- Don’t censor yourself and hide the name of the column because some might find it bothersome. Nobody forces anyone to be here and if it bothers them that much they’re free to skip Fucking Mondays. Why should the rest of us, who clearly preferred Fucking Mondays over any other title, have to have things over rules and cleaned up until the they meet the standards of the pearl-clutchers?

- Yes, Smith was absolutely wrong to hit Rock. (And Academy was wrong not to call the police and say somebody had just assaulted one of their hosts.)

- Regarding Brand: A basic truth is that anybody who refuses to let anyone else get a word isn’t just enamored with a sound of their own voice, but is clearly declaring that they have a weak argument that can’t risk allowing even the slightest opposing voice. As Biden said, “Just shut up, man.”

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“over rules” ==> overruled

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Mar 6, 2023
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