This is exactly why I’m a fan of the pick.

People will *start* voting for the general election in October.

Picking Mark Kelly is a sabotage move. It’s a suggestion meant to benefit pundits, who are desperate for a reason to get that spotlight off Kamala, and would insist on using up valuable media time introducing Kelly to the nation.

Pete wouldn’t have that problem.

And it’s not that Black people wouldn’t vote for Pete, but that Black people knew that WHITE people wouldn’t vote for a gay man in 2020.

So it wouldn’t have made sense to put our support behind the pick, especially with the South Bend incident being the most notable part of his resume at the time.

Now he’s the competent Secretary of Transportation with two impressive projects to his credit that benefited places with large Black populations.

We notice stuff like that.

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@Auntie Shay - I would LOVE Pete Buttigieg for VP. It's clear he is a sharp thinker with an even disposition, who could def take over as President if necessary. I worry about people with distinct prejudice against gay people. It pains me that I have to think this way. How do we overcome this kneejerk antipathy? How do we reach thoughtful people who just don't knowingly know or love gay people?

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I see your argument for Buttigieg; there’s also the advantage of him not having to vacate his electoral office, ‘cause it ain’t. I still like Walz, he’d be a good attack dog (the typical role for a VP nominee). He’s the one that came up with “weird”. 🤔😉😊

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Thanks for all the news ,Ben .Pete on fux news was funny as hell . They got what they deserved .

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Pete does wonderfully in all swing states. In poll after poll the only other potential competitor who comes close is Whitmer. The internal White House poll done earlier this month testing him, Whitmer, Harris, and Newsom as presidential replacement candidates showed he would get 301 Electoral votes in a two way race with Trump - the leading alternative candidate. Whitmer had 290 and Newsom and Harris lost. Pete would help MVP in all the swing states, not just one like a Governor or Senator. He has incredibly strong name recognition too. And his husband and Doug Emhoff are best of friends; they're doing a big fundraiser Friday in Fire Island together. Pete also prepped MVP for her 2020 VP debate. Lots of pluses.

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I like Mark Kelly AZ and needs no introduction but this is what politico had to say and I’ve found countless other sources.

Hailing from a battleground and border state, Kelly backs improved security and voted in favor of the Senate’s bipartisan border deal earlier this year. Five days before President Joe Biden withdrew his candidacy, Kelly was in Mexico City meeting with that nation’s president and pushed him on security and management of their shared border. Correa, who had joined Kelly on the trip, recalled thinking of the Arizona senator: “Wow, man, this guy knows what he’s talking about.”

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To add he as we know is the husband of Gabby Gifford who was “actually and truly shot and seriously wounded” along with others some who were killed back in I think 2007. I believe Kelly is the better choice at this time-not only does he fit the “white” and “male” that is a must for Kamala to win over tRump this election he actually has superb credentials. He’s in the right place right time for this election.

Some may take offense that myself and others come out and say we need a white man on the ticket but too much it on the line to take any chances. Kamala has a lot of support, more than I before believed she would get, as I believe Joe Biden didn’t volunteer to leave the race, but she finally got Obama who I believed was pissed at the party for outing Joe and made them sweat a little before giving his endorsement and now with a string fit for VP we could win this most important election in our young country’s history.

We have tRump talking about blood baths, only needing to vote one more time and getting more outrageous by the day.

We must not take chances.

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