I will NEVER forget Jan 6 or traitor Trump and his traitor followers who caused it all. May they all rot in hell for what they have done to this country.

There was nothing wrong with Kamala Harris as a candidate or with her campaign. As for this trans controversy, I listened to most of her speeches and never once did I hear her say the word trans. The stupid people who say Democrats lost because of our emphasis on trans have been listening to too much Fox propaganda.

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Did you not see Trump's "they/them" ad? Kamala is on video passionately endorsing taxpayer-paid sex-trait modifications surgeries for prisoners. (Don't call them "sex changes", the sex of a mammal is fixed shortly after conception and cannot be changed later by any means.) Brett Baier gave her a chance to walk it back in his interview with her on Fox; she refused. Instead she lied and said it was a law. This is false: there is no such law. It was a grossly overreaching interpretation by the Obama DOJ of an anodyne law saying prisoners must receive appropriate medical care. It is true that the Trump admin never got around to officially changing that interpretation, that's an error that will be fixed by Trump 2.0.

Men *must* be kept out of women's prisons (and so-called "trans women" are men) if the Democrats ever want to win another election.

More info:



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How did half the country manage to excuse, much less forget? The letter writer quoted is utterly glossing over reality, Turnip is not perfect but he surrounded himself with great people? WTF? Steven Miller? Matt Gaetz? Rudy? Tucker? Bannon? Racist white nationalists, Christo-fascist Putin-apologists, and SA'ers are her kind of folks?! Or her answer to "consensus reality". So now we have another term for real reality vs the alternative reality of disinformation, lies, and propaganda that half the country is willfully choosing to live in, and dragging the rest of us down into dystopia along with them.

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Once Trump takes office, Bird Flu is going to be the first of about 200 international crises that are going to quickly bite us in the ass. Right now, even among Liberals, Bird Flu is a joke. Snarky friends on Facebook are marking themselves safe from it. And yet, the Biden administration has been working tirelessly to stop it from becoming a Pandemic. Even with those actions, it has jumped to humans, has infected the pet food supply, and is killing a wide variety of species. Once Trump is in office, his administration will be so focused on raiding the treasury, reducing taxes and regulations on the rich, carrying out a culture war, and overhauling the Justice system, that Bird Flu will be the first of many dominoes to fall. Mark my words, here's what's going to happen this year. Infection among birds is going to spike, dramatically wiping out a large percentage of the dairy and poultry market, causing prices to spike and supplies to plummet. Beef and pork will follow, as will the pet food supply chain. As human vaccinations plummet, the virus will mutate with Flu or COVID and start snowballing human hospitalizations and deaths. We'll already be well into the pandemic by the time Polio and Measles roar back. And meanwhile deregulation in the food, energy, water, medicine, and manufacturing sectors will make the air unbreathable, the food uneatable, the water undrinkable, and the Internet unusable (Space Junk -- Kessler Syndrome -- Google it). But yeah, fuck that one trans athlete in South Dakota who wants to run track.

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Well it's way more than one:


But if the numbers were as small as you claim, was it really worth it to you to lose the election over that issue?

Which you did: "trans" was the #1 issue for swing voters, per post-election analysis by Democrat-aligned PAC Blueprint 2024:


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Troll-bot so desperate to talk about trans folks that it even does so in response to a post that is all about birds.

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How do you block ppl?

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At the moment I’m viewing Substack through a browser on my phone, not sure if it works differently through the Substack app or when using a computer.

If you click the persons name at the top of their comment you get to their page. There should be a “three dot” menu near the top right. If you click that, there should be a block option.

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Post ended with "But yeah, fuck that one trans athlete in South Dakota who wants to run track"

which is a fucking lie. To which I responded with facts.

So yeah, you can call me a "troll-bot", because that's all you've got: cheap brainless insults.

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The posting was about birds. You mechanically responded to one tossed off sarcasm in the final words.

Yeah, your obsession with trans people is showing. How long have you been lusting over women with dicks?

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Personal insults, that's all the left has to offer anymore. Sad!

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Are you not obsessed with the genitals of other people? Are you not commenting relentlessly about trans people?

I note you don’t deny what I wrote, just object to my pointing your interest out publicly.

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Jan 7Edited

I have three points to make.

1. What, specifically, are the policies of the Biden administration that have ruined the US? Allowing people to get away with regurgitating magaT talking points without providing specifics doesn’t foster healthy debate regarding the policies that have led the US economic recovery, the ‘soft landing’ from the pandemic due to the epic mismanagement by frumpty.

2. Who are these great people? Names would be helpful.

3. Why is it anyone’s business what choices a parent makes for their child’s welfare and wellbeing? For that matter, what business is it of ANYONE what ANY PERSON chooses to make for themselves medically, or otherwise? Stay the fuck out of other people’s business.

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To the baby boomer from the top of the article, I also wonder who the talented people surrounding Trump are. Perhaps she refers to Elon Musk? Otherwise, it certainly appears to me that Donald Trump has surrounded himself predominantly with people who will support his assertion that the 2020 election was stolen from himand assorted other lies in pieces of disinformation.

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"But hey, at least billionaires will get their tax cuts and gender pronouns will be a thing of the past."

The gender issue is much bigger than pronouns. Some Democrats understand that, and don't want to lose another election because of it:


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A wonderful example of how tribalism has hurt us all, no matter where you land on the political spectrum. Thanks for sharing! ✌🏻🫶🏻

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I still think we do nuance better than the right

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"That being said, the 2024 MAGA movement is certainly more ideologically diverse than it used to, and I think at least some of that has to do with the ideological conformity on the left. Identity politics is truly stultifying and it has driven many people I know way from the Democratic party." Quote from the author.

Ahh, the Democratic party is too leftist and obsessed with "identity politics". A little primer on the term itself....it's not just referring to "left" aka humane causes, although it was re-coined by groups against discrimination.....

Identity politics - Wikipedia https://search.app/LB7LArXmDNPrHAmj7

You know what's "truly stultifying"? And "ideological conformity"? Identity politics by right-wing purveyors - identities in line with white supremacists; extremist evangelical theocrats; violence-promoting authoritarians out for revenge against liberals; virulent anti-women thugs practicing medicine in legislatures; billionaires imposing corporate price gouging on consumers and customers; oligarchs so immersed in greed they are eager to plunder the taxpayer funded US Treasury. Those identities in politics are what we can do without, if we really want a viable democracy.

Other than that, your post was great information. Thanks.

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I couldn't add an edit to my first post, so wrote this other one. Thanks for your forbearance.

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Seriously, with all the photo and video evidence, how can anyone say with a straight face that this was a "peaceful demonstration"? Revisionist traitors, is who. I have never seen "tourists" climb the walls and railings like this at a destination. I just hope the authoritarian takeover of our nation fails, and history will reflect the truth.

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I just don’t think Kamala was a great candidate. Brat politics were always doomed to fail!

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