I said this on Threads, too: "Harris is smarter, and better by several orders of magnitude, but this debate still worries me.

Debating Trump is like debating a chimp flinging poop at you, then being judged on whether you stayed clean without dodging."

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Someone needs to make a Venn Diagram comparing the Trump 2024 campaign with the Fyre Festival 2025 announcement. Convicted felons. Dupes investors. False promises. Disgusting food. shadowy investors. Z-list talent....

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Media has given tRUMP millions of dollars of free coverage in the last 3 elections. In 16 they broadcast his full rallies; for Clinton they only showed the controversial part like her saying tRUMP’s supporters are “Deplorables.” Even the way the debates were moderated for tRUMP’s benefit: they let him pace back & forth behind Clinton so people watched him instead of listening to her; they didn’t question his lies (they were not “alternative facts),” they didn’t shut him off, & on & on. They don’t even print his actual quotes but clean them up to tell people what he should have said. OK….for now that’s enough

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“They don’t even print his actual quotes but clean them up to tell people what he should have said.”

Which is even worse than just failing to report the news. They’re actively distorting it.

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Per your horse race points, so far CNN is the only outlet I've seen this weekend to tackle Trump's threats to jail his opponents and lead a violent mass deportation. Historian Heather Cox Richardson was so alarmed by it, she did a rare (and lengthy) Saturday night post about it. And from everyone else, crickets... just like the previous weekend when nobody covered the Heritage Foundation rally with the violent press breach. I am equally terrified Harris, like Biden, will over-prepare for Tuesday and deliver a dour performance (filled with statistics) on par with her CNN interview. She needs to be big, bold, in his face, roll her eyes and instead of taking his bait, keep pointing out how weird, false, and dangerous everything he mutters is.

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I thought the media were meant to be in competition with each other for stories, so very weird that not one of the 3 has broken ranks to report on the emails

Also if the ‘hacker’ is Iran and they want to hurt Trump, why haven’t they forwarded them to anyone else in the hope they will publish them?

My position remains that they weren’t hacked, that someone in Trump world screwed up and made them public and they’ve come up with the hack lie in the hope the cowardly corporate media wouldn’t print them

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“I’m a huge Lennon fan, but he wasn’t exactly given a choice when his stalker Mark David Chapman shot him.”

I’m not a fan of giving criminals fame so advocate for leaving their names out. “…when his stalker shot him” works just as well.

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