Is the Earth flat? Have you physically stood at the south pole yourself, or viewed the Earth from space? Is the Earth’s core made of styrofoam?

What? I'm just asking questions! What actually lies 1,000 feet below the south pole, and how come the government isn't talking about it? (just made that up - answer is solid rock - probably)

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Exactly. Put it this way: There's a reason why Tucker "I'm just asking questions" Carlson loves RFK, Jr.

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1) RFK, Sr., would (I suspect) be horrified and saddened by what his son has become.

2) There's a reason why so many Republican dollars are flowing in the direction of both RFK, Jr., and "No Labels". Both are fronts to weaken President Biden and divide Democrats.

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Race is a social construct-gene pools are scientific. Obviously Kennedy-like his grandfather Joseph-thinks Jews are a race. For a smartish man he's ridiculous. And while we're at it-how about them "Chinese"-how many different gene pools are there in China and all around the world? I understand the Banter's nuanced response-Science is important.

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Why is this guy a Democrat again? Because he's rich and has a last-century famous name? And now he's hacking at his party from the absolute least plausible direction, the right? Sure.

Here's a couple things:

1) Most of the people who worshipped his father are dead; and a lot of old labor movement folks didn't like his dad much anyway, for several good reasons;

2) it's gonna be hard for him to "divide Democrats", because the ones who you'd think would follow him out already have their center-right candidate: the incumbent.

3) "No Labels" is a f%^&in' joke; anybody who thinks the Democratic Party is not "centrist" enough is only one sneeze away from being a Republican Party voter. They don't need a half-milk version of what they can get with the Mullahs.

Verdict: nobody's fooled by this crank, or by some half-assed attempt to stuff a third-option party into the most crowded space in the polity: right of center. That ain't the field where the next electoral movement is gonna come from.

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(posted as a separate comment because directly replying to a troll's post makes the algorithms bump them just that much more up the relevance scale)

In her comment here PamMc--- thinks quantity of Google results means something. As if 100 parrots in a room squawking "Earth is flat! Earth is flat! Awk!" outweighs the one Earth scientist in the room saying "It's round."

A simple Google search of "Autism vaccines" turns up 70,900,000 results (in just 0.42 seconds!).

So doesn't that tell us there is clearly a link between the two?

Of course NOT. Every single link on the first page of results explains how there is NO link. As to the vast majority of articles following.

"A simple Google search of 'genetically targeted bioweapons' turns up plenty of articles on the subject"? So what? Quantity of results means nothing. Perhaps every single one of those article explains how there's no such thing, or how race is a cultural construct not a genetic one so isn't something that can be targeted biologically. (In fact many of them do say that.)

But that would mean PamMc-- would have to actually have to look further than the a bumper sticker slogan, and that's that's last thing she wants to do because a) it requires she think and b) her only interest is being an asshole. If she couldn't couldn't stir up trouble with a "genetically targeted bioweapons" she'd be squawking about new world orders, faked moon landings, or chemtrails.

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I did see one study (and this has nothing to do with RFK The Lesser’s idiocy) that said COVID affected people of certain blood types more. Unlike fake scientists, the real ones will do more studies and, if necessary, change their hypothesis. But, I thought it interesting. https://ashpublications.org/blood/article/doi/10.1182/blood.2022018903/496471/Blood-Group-A-Enhances-SARS-CoV-2-Infection

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Per the article, who is being accused of producing that bioweapon? Many google results doesn't mean anything. The idea of covid as a "genetically target bioweapon is not based on any meaningful evidence and is considered implausible by geneticists. That description is also specifically used in the conspiracist-right media spaces, and I don't know of anywhere else that takes it seriously. This article is a very good identification of a tremendously false and dangerous statement, one that is chacteristic of far-right media,which suggests that that is where JR is getting his info.

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Oh, come on. A simple Google search of "genetically targeted bioweapons" turns up plenty of articles on the subject. Just stop this smearing nonsense.

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