I don’t see any contradiction in disliking Hamas terrorists but having sympathy for the Palestinians and disliking the Netanyahu government and feeling sympathy for the 1200 murdered Israelis. Is there any difference in liking the Biden admin for many policies but disliking the funding for Israel’s continued bombings of civilians? I can hold multiple feelings on things . It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

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While there is certainly a cadre of young people who just discovered there is violence and injustice in the Middle East…I think Nancy Pelosi is right to think Putin’s provocateurs are at work on the Internet…when you get called ‘cool with genocide’ the same way ten times by the same kind of people, one gets suspicious.

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Wow Cenk has officially lost it

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I would say it’s suspicious. He was the golden boy/“next Hunter S. Thompson”. Now that he’s calling out free speech censorship perpetrated by the government which is currently run by democrats, all of the sudden…he sux? Since when does advocating for the first amendment and calling out bad policy make one a “shock jock”? Oh…since it now goes against the official narrative of “the Party”. I think Matt’s just calling out bad government and bad politicians, but it just so happens that a lot of those involved are democrats. If there is a change in power in the upcoming elections, I fully expect him to attack more republicans. Those in power.

And again…the original post is claiming the opposite of what’s in one of the articles to which it links…and blatantly calling Matt the liar.

It’s cool if you don’t like Matt. I sincerely don’t care, and I don’t agree with everything he writes, but you can’t just say he’s lying about something and then link to an article that proves he’s not lying. Did Ben just link any article he found and assume people wouldn’t read them?

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Taibbi seems to me to be more than contrarian.

Not lost on me the Russian authorities monitor journalists and Taibbi was up to jo good for years in Moscow

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I don’t understand why you’re accusing anyone of lying. The poll you linked in your article clearly shows that those polled are opposed to aiding Israel. Only 36% of those polled are in favor of aiding Israel. It’s literally in the article you linked!

And the poll you linked about the surveillance bill only gives the “key takeaways”. None of the questions asked were listed. The article doesn’t even indicate whom was asked. AND it shows that only 55% are in favor of the bill! Again…what were the survey questions and where did the polling take place?! College campus? Gun show? New York City street? I’ve been on a college campus and happily answered survey questions. One thing I’ve noticed, the pollsters always ask “Do you support the XYZ bill that the Democrats are proposing?” Or, “Are you in favor of Proposition ZYX that the Republicans put forth?” They always include what each party thinks about the bill. This is purposeful. The same thing happens at the gun shows I’ve attended.

So, you’re obviously misrepresenting one of articles you linked. One of the articles you linked has very little information.

But…Matt’s lying.

Why is everyone piling on Matt all of the sudden? The timing and context seem to be a little more than suspicious.

Every American should be against the surveillance bill! It’s unconstitutional! It always was! I believe if more Americans knew what it really means…you would have something more like 97% against.

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“If Uygur and The Young Turks turn their already cynical audience of alt contrarians into JFK Jr. voters”


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How are there people who believe this stuff?

>"Biden is one of the least corrupt politicians"

>"The government never censored social media"

>"Islamic extremism has nothing to do with anti-colonialism".

Utterly divorced from reality.

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What ‘ideology’ exactly is Matt Taibbi promoting?

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Apr 22·edited Apr 22

The quote from Elica Le Bon really resonated with me. The (to me) obvious truth of it makes my reaction to the vast majority of us who seem compelled to take sides even more disheartened.

Indeed, I’d argue it’s a form of Islamaphobia to put all the blame on Israel (and by extension, Jews generally), as it denies the Muslim countries (and Muslims generally) agency and intentionality — since, y’know (satirical, unfortunate stereotype alert), they’re barbarian camel jockeys and rug merchants, no one expects them to act “civilized”. 🤔😉😊

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Hahaha! You are just full of assumptions aren't you? Anyone who disagrees with you or takes your vitriol to task must be dehumanized. Typical.

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Your commentary is not worth Matt Taibbi's spit.

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