Trump’s complaints about the USPS are rich coming from someone who put a Postmaster General (DeJoy) in place who has tried to decimate the Postal Service, cutting service to rural areas and causing a decline in service that is as far as I know unprecedented in modern times.

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There are too many unanswered questions swirling around this latest "assassination" attempt on the life of the would-be despot. Elon Musk should be ashamed of himself for even putting out a tweet regarding no one is out for Biden or Harris. Who is crazy enough to even write that in this divisive and violent age, brought on by such an unsavory character as Donald Trump and his handlers? Elon Musk, that's who!

I'm very curious as to hear what this latest suspect's motivation was in trying to assassinate the former insurrectionist. The main thing is that he was not a Democrat, as Republicans would want the country to believe, but a Republican.

Another story that is now developing in JD Vance's stunning admission that he created the story about Haitian immigrants eating people's pets in Springfield, Ohio. Actually, I heard that some other insane person fabricated the story, and Vance is even lying about that. Why isn't this not such a game changer for these awful repugnicans who would stop at nothing to corral votes?

And we all know that Dump will fundraise from this latest attempt on his life. Always the exploiter in my book!

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I say…

Cancel all US contracts with companies that Musk controls until he leaves those companies.

Revoke his naturalization (not as easy as it sounds, but go with me).

Deport Musk.


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....For the remark he made to Taylor, he should be kicked in the teeth and deported to one of the outer Aleutian islands. Period, FULL STOP!....

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Correction: Trump was NOT shot at in Fla, the SS fired at the muzzle of a rifle. And... Trump was NOT shot in the ear (unless he has the power to regrow a human ear). Please don't fall into the MSM trap

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Here’s a peaceful settlement: Russia withdraws from ALL 16,000. Sq. mi. of territory that it occupies, including Crimea, and Ukraine withdraws from all 200 sq. miles of Russia that IT occupies.

Does that work for you, Mr Shady Vonce? 🤔😉😊

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I was amused to see one of your trolls completely unravel in Sunday's comment section -- knickers in full twist over the mere suggestion a "wag the dog" scenario could possibly be in play. Even as the evidence unfolds, there's still a small chance somebody put the guy up to it to boost Trump's ratings back to ear bandage levels. As Trump and Rogan would say, "I'm merely asking questions." Meanwhile -- both Musk and the New Hampshire Libertarian Party released tweets taunting someone to take out Biden and/or Harris. Trump meanwhile is dog whistling extremists to harm Taylor Swift and/or Swifties. As stated below, Vance admits live on CNN that he created the pets story and could care less an entire community is living in fear of violence because of it. He felt, he needed to create a story to illustrate the border crisis for the media, and he's sticking with his "free speech" rights. That's the same excuse the Libertarians who posted their tweet used as justification. Trump seeds violence and rage and misdirected anger. We're ALL living in the world of his creation, even him.

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....Someone on Thom Hartmann today suggested that Springfield, OH not sue TFG or Shady Pants, but sue the ReThug campaign, what do you think, sound like a plan? It's been hell there, govt. building evacuations, school closings and Haitians staying home to avoid the scrutiny. I say sue the slime right out of 'em!....

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And now Portage County Sheriff Bruce Zuchowski in Ohio (where I used to live) uses social media openly encouraging citizens to "turn in" their neighbors who have Harris signs in their yard, so he has a list of people for whom to deliver retribution. Think about that for a minute. This guy IS IN CHARGE OF THE POLICE. Imagine having an emergency, and when the police arrive and see your Harris sign, they do nothing. As Trump said, he would let Russia do whatever the hell they want, imagine an entire police department giving the same hall pass to thieves, rapists, assaulters, arsonists, domestic abusers...

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He sees the loss coming he knows it’s coming and cry baby is trying to pave the way for all and any kind of excuse to claim he wins. Loser loser loser

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"...and no want [SIC] should want to live in a country where political assassinations are a regular occurrence"

Autocorrect strikes again. sigh

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Classic Trump! Create the problem by appointing a two bit con man as Postmaster General (PMG). Then have his PMG decommission over 10% of the countries mail sorters, because Trump didn’t like mail in ballots. Then, by making the USPS less efficient, he can eventually force them to outsource or eventually privatize the USPS.

Furthermore, Trump is now claiming that the USPS, which he tried to dismantle piece by piece, is soooo inefficient; mail-in ballots cannot be trusted.

See what he did here? And how easily he can destroy a federal institution, and then claim that the institution he destroyed was Biden and Harris’s fault, which is why that institution can’t be trusted to begin with? How the hell does this man get away with all his shenanigans? Only in Trump’s America!…:)

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