I remain unconvinced by the whole argument that "talk of invading Canada is a just a smokescreen for their *real* intentions". It is illogical to have a smokescreen for an evil plan, but make the smokescreen even more evil. Trump is simply batshit, NATO is dead, and Canada had better start recruiting.

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I worked on something very similar but it was Baltimore Washington DC And surrounding areas I believe the investment was $2 billion back to win was running president. It was a pitch made in that direction.. Company called digital community solutions. Similar to this layout for Los Angeles.

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Whenever there’s a chance to point at something and use it to slam someone just to gain the smallest of any possible benefit there will be Trump , just like the dumb kid in Simpsons cartoons with the sound effect of Ahhhh Haaaa adds nothing to help a situation he’s always there. It’s sickening to see this over and over and now this layout is going to be demonized .

I see it coming !


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Regarding Trump & the fire 🔥 he needs to back up and feel the flames 🔥

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How about the lesbian assistant fire chief that said that male fire victims that could not be rescued by female firefighters "got themselves in the wrong place"? Care to comment on that?

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>> "In many ways I think Facebook was right in taking Russian bot farms and rampant Covid misinformation. But I also think it went way too far and became almost Orwellian in its attempts to suppress speech." <<

Not clear to me what "taking" is meaning there. Is part of that sentence missing, or am I missing something.

Something like "in taking [down posts from] Russian bot farms" perhaps?

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>> "While the media frets over Trump’s plans to annex Greenland, Canada, and the Panama Canal, Trump and his incoming administration are planning to gut the federal government and ensure billionaires and giant corporations get enormous tax cuts. This, I believe, is the real play." <<

I do wish people would stop crediting Donny Convict with some clever strategy to distract.

Donny is has never shown that he's capable of developing a strategy, certainly not one that involves subtlety. The people around him, maybe, but not Donny.

Rather he truly believes in his plan to get Greenland and the others. He thinks it's actually something that should be done and something that could be done. He's deluded and when he says things like "Denmark should just give us Greenland." he truly believes that they should just hand it over.

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"...and at some point Gibson and others like him are going to have to come to terms with reality."

You vastly underestimate their dedication to remaining insistently ignorant and racist.

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Sadly the LAFD has given the conspiracy theorists plenty of ammunition, like this promotional video in which the overweight female firefighter admits that she’s not strong enough to carry a man out of a fire, but says that it's the man’s fault for being in "the wrong place". No really, she actually says this!


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Zuckerberg's removal of censorship of true statements about mammalian biology on FB is long overdue. If that was brought on by the election of Trump (which it clearly was), then: yay Trump!

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Pointing out incompetence and lack of thoughtful preparation is not conspiratorial. It is common sense preventive behavior.

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I've got no clue as to what you think this document "proves".

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It’s to show people that LA is turning into a Smart City

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I've still got no clue how that relates to fire fighting.

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Oh I see what you’re saying, they turned off the water so they couldn’t fight it off

Then the Canadian Water Bombers came down to help out

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The water was not "turned off". A particular reservoir near Pacific Palisades had been drained a year earlier for repairs, and if it was full that would likely have helped keep up water pressure. But while that draining for repairs is a decision that can be questioned, I have not seen anyone explain how it was supposed to be repaired while full.

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Like I say Question Everything!

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