Escape from Flori-duh! while you still can.

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We're going to have to a Gofundme for relocation costs.

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!! Yes !!

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War Is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength we can add another crazy phase to 1984, slavery gave slaves skills.

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Jul 25, 2023
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I’m starting to believe that the ultimate goal of people like DeSantis is some form of re-enslavement. Convince people that African-Americans were better off as slaves and it won’t be that hard.

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Another who should do stand up. Let’s see - which party has kept African-Americans stuck in urban ghettos? Which party comes out every 4 years to court the Black vote through freebie giveaways? Which party has destroyed The Black Family, such that the majority of Black children are born without the benefit of a two parent family? Bless your heart. Have a nice day.

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There's not a single fact in a single comment you wrote here. I seriously thought your comments were parody. Perhaps they are, if that's the case, bravo. Either way, bless your heart, I had some true laughs reading them.

I'm never surprised, but remain impressed, never the less, the fictions Republicans believe. They really can be sold anything (an example of Trump's success, to be sure).

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Interesting. So you think I am a Republican. Interesting. Joke’s on you. Like you, I’m never surprised, but remain impressed, never the less, the fictions Democrats - or more correctly, Progressives - believe. They can (and have been) sold anything (like Joe Biden is a great President and life is sooooooo much better with Biden - ignoring compound inflation being 18% since Day 1 of the Biden admin). Plenty of facts in what I wrote, Steve. However, despite that, believe what your heart and feelings tell you. Have a nice day.

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Nope, no facts, again.

Have a blessed evening!

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Good lord...the ol' "I'm not a Republican" bit. So boring. Glad she's banned.

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Not "trying". SUCCEEDING. Alabama, Texas and Louisiana are taking notes.

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This is the republiCONS plan and they have worked on this for years. Dumb down stupid base make sure they do not believe their lying eyes and their ears are not functioning. Bring out the haters and deplorables allow the rightwing lying media to lies and repeat how well Trump did when in office. I bet if the media would asked these folks what did Trump do other than Covid they can not tell you. But we know the media do not ask hard or soft questions to the republiCONS. I see the fake LSM pushing Tim Scott, well media he might get republiCONS votes but he probably will not get many votes from blacks you can put RFKJr, Cornell West and Manchin in that boat they probably split Kanye West votes so media good luck with that.

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My son had to do a debate on whether trump did anything good in a class this summer. The other team won bc they had to debate on everything he did that was bad. He said we couldn’t think of anything good that he did. It was soooo hard. I said he got ASAP Rockie out of a Dutch(?) prison even tho it was actually Kim Kardashian. That’s the only decent thing he did. He said oh shoot we should have used that. I said no, that debate went exactly as it should have

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Sounds like you are describing the Democrats. You really believe in your heart what you wrote?

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I believe it *in my heart*. It precedes TFG by decades. (Viv’s a little harsher on the media then I would be.) Do you really believe this is characteristic of Democrats? In your heart? If so, I you have my sympathy. 🤔😉😊

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You do know, right, that the Democratic Party was the party of slavery, right? I believe in my heart that those things are the characteristics of the “Democratic Party” and its deep state leadership. Further, I deeply believe Biden and his administration are deeply corrupt. Impeachment proceedings will begin shortly. Bless your heart. Have a nice day.

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That is dumb, trivial, poorly educated sophistry, and a core of the lost cause myth. Your key word is “was” — as in “no longer”. When it came to civil rights and the treatment of African-Americans, the Democratic and Republican parties flipped their roles starting with the corrupt 1876 elector deal that gave the Presidency to Hayes rather than Tilden, who *actually* won (sound familiar?) — which led to the end of Reconstruction — through the FDR, Ike, JFK and LBJ years, and the rise of the Dixiecrats (as you do know, right?). Your use of the phrase “deep state leadership“ demonstrates your painful lack of insight and cognitive ability. As has been said (the actual source is uncertain), “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.” That’s my advice to you. Fuck your heart, and have a shitty day, you passive-aggressive twit. 🤔😉😊

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You show your true personality now. Typical of a fool. And the language - someth8ng one might expect from Brandon. Lord have mercy on you. I see you are a fan of FDR. Think and believe as you wish. Have a nice day.

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That’s OK, I take being insulted by MAGA, pseudo-Xtian racists as a badge of honor. 🤔😉😊

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What's wrong with FDR?

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I do not consider introducing slaves to Christianity a good thing. Or modern “Civilization“ either, for that matter. Sorry.🤔😉😊

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I have been saying this *for years”; hell, decades. Modern “conservatism“ is really neo-Confederism (or however that construction would be), from Pat Buchanan on down.

The bullshit myth of the “lost cause” — to which I was exposed (even living in NYC when I was in school in the 50s-60s), the rise of Confederacy monuments, the whitewashing and exaltation of people like R. E. Lee, TV shows like “Dukes of Hazard”, “Gone With the Wind”, Johnny Cash performing before a Confederate flag on the damned “Muppet Show” (of all places), Tom Petty’s “Southern Accents” album — are all evidence of its influence; even so on the “Lone Ranger” who, when he needed to disguise himself as a War vet, wore a *Confederate* uniform, not a Union one. Indeed, if you look at 50s westerns, Confederate veterans are portrayed much more sympathetically — Nick Adams played Johnny Yuma, the *hero* of “The Rebel”, complete with CSA cap and coat. To quote Charlie Pierce, the Confederacy was “rebellion in defense of slavery”, and the “lost cause” was “sedition in defense of segregation”.

(Look up and watch a movie called “C.S.A.”, an alternative-history speculating on what could’ve happened had the CSA prevailed. It’s enlightening. Actually watching “Birth of a Nation” is not a bad idea either.) 🤔😉😊

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Irene a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Please tell me you do not believe Trump, do you believe the election was stolen. That is some Jim Jones kinda of stuff put the glass of koolaid down stop do not drink anymore save the few brain cell you have left. It hard to argue with an idiot.

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You should take your own advice and stop wasting your own mind. Bless your heart. Have a nice day.

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So funny. You should do stand up.

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Irene has gone bye-bye. Normally, I would flame her to a crisp but Ben has asked me to refrain so we banned her instead. Alas...

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Irene did you read my comment you can not argue with a deplorable idiot so bye girl last comment Winston in case you do not know who’s Winston is he from 1984 if you can read and comprehend without being told what you see or what you hear remember the truth is not the truth , alternative facts and dear leader said what you read and what you see is not what is happening hahahaha the joke is on the cult.

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A job program that included child separation, rape, lynching, whipping and no pay glad those day are long gone.

Where is the fake LSM on this blatant out and out lies. Crickets. It our media that at flaunt they no better than the folks that started that massacre in Rwanda.

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