For The Last Time: No One Wants To Legalize Infanticide
In a nation where 74 million of us were too-easily brainwashed and conned, lies like this resonate.
by Bob Cesca
WASHINGTON, DC – As though the Supreme Court’s apparent overturning of Roe v Wade weren’t tragic enough for women’s rights, the Republicans appear to be resurrecting a grisly abortion myth popularized by Donald Trump, the master of viral bullshit.
Wednesday afternoon on the Fox News program, “Outnumbered,” Trump’s former press secretary Kayleigh McEnany went there:

“I never want to be like the Democrat [sic] Party. The party that today, where a majority of that party – a vast majority are going to show up and vote for abortion in the final trimester, in the ninth month – in the tenth month where a Mom is literally giving birth.”
Here we go again with this nonsense. Everything she said was wrong including the name of the party itself.
This all goes back to 2019 and a statement by former Virginia governor Ralph Northam who was describing labor in which the fetus has catastrophic, life-ending deformities and birth defects. According to a Reuters fact-check:
Northam was referring to “third-trimester abortions” that are done in cases “where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non viable” he said. “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother,” Northam stated.
Northam’s office clarified that the then-governor was describing the “tragic and extremely rare case in which a woman with a nonviable pregnancy or severe fetal abnormalities went into labor.” Obviously.
Irrespective of the truth, Trump and Trump-adjacent weirdos with desperately sick minds grabbed this quote, scrambled it, bastardized it, and turned it into, per Trump’s description, Democrats ripping babies from the womb and murdering them. In fact, at one point, Trump went even further with the lie, telling his loyal disciples, “The governor of Virginia executed a baby, remember that whole thing?”
Trump and his fellow Republicans went from the mendacious to the slanderous in a relatively short period of time.
Let’s clarify a few things here.
According to both Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey, aborting a third trimester or post-viability pregnancy is only permissible in cases when there’s a threat to the pregnant mother or a devastating fetal abnormality. Beyond those rare circumstances, there are no elective third trimester or late term abortions. It doesn’t happen. Ever. And even if it were legal, it’d be unheard-of for a woman to carry a pregnancy, say, to 8.5 months and decide, fuck it, abortion time. Even the most liberal states in the Union forbid elective abortions after viability, because it’d be insane and unconstitutional per Roe and Casey. And no one wants legal third trimester abortions other than in these exceptional circumstances.
Likewise, and I can’t believe we need to say this, but no one, least no one in the “Democrat Party,” wants to legalize murdering birthed babies. If we ever need the ideal illustration of how divorced the Republicans are from reality, look no further than this – although Trump accusing Northam of infanticide was pretty damn extreme.
However, when babies, premature or not, are delivered with life-ending birth defects – birth defects that won’t allow the child to survive very long, parents often choose to have their doctors make the babies as comfortable as possible, limiting extreme and difficult treatments, while they live out their painfully short lives. The proposed bill in Virginia would’ve made this process easier for parents.
Trump and McEnany, with their horror movie imaginations and penchant for suckering the rubes, sculpted this into a Rob Zombie movie about Democrats pushing for legalized infanticide in the “ninth month – in the tenth month” as McEnany said Wednesday, while bloodthirsty liberal women strangle their babies to death with zero legal implications.
It’s all fiction of the worst kind. But, sadly, in a nation where 74 million of us were too-easily brainwashed and conned, it resonates. The question now is how do we respond? The answer is: aggressively. That means a massive campaign registering new Democratic voters and making sure they all vote in every election – local, state, and national elections. As numbers grow, we achieve small victories along the way, clawing back liberty for pregnant women step by step. Meanwhile, we focus on the long game, which has to be both a national law and eventually a constitutional amendment guaranteeing medical privacy and equal rights. This is the only way to crush this ill-conceived and ridiculously authored Dobbs decision, as well as the ill-conceived and ridiculously authored infanticide lie.
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The republican party is and has been for over sixty years racist, homophobic, anti semitic and last but certainly not least misogynistic. They have not now or ever put forward policies that would help our country or its people. What they are very good at is attacking groups unable to defend themselves. In this case it is poor women who will suffer. They have never sought out the fathers of these unwanted children and forced them to actually be fathers, pay child support or made them have vasectomies. Women who vote for republicans, like blacks, Jews, Asians and Latinos who do the same, ought to be ashamed of themselves. Democrats need to stop cowering and start attacking republicans on this issue as polls show 60-80% of Americans don’t want to Roe overturned. Republican politicians could care less about Roe, it’s simply another way to rile up their “deplorable “ base. In fact by creating more fatherless black families, possibly leading to hire black crime rates, they will use that as another way to inflame their base. They are liars and disgusting people who could easily destroy our democracy as they lust after more power and money for themselves and their donors.
“a vast majority [of the Democratic party] are going to show up and vote for abortion in the final trimester, in the ninth month – in the tenth month where a Mom is literally giving birth.”
It’s a basic tactic Republicans use all the time: When you don’t have a legitimate reply to what was said, then lie about what what was said and argue against that instead.
Actually said: “There have been five accidents at that intersection this month. I think there should be a stop sign at that intersection.”
Republican response: “They want to forbid you to drive on that road. They all want you confined to your house!”