The republican party is and has been for over sixty years racist, homophobic, anti semitic and last but certainly not least misogynistic. They have not now or ever put forward policies that would help our country or its people. What they are very good at is attacking groups unable to defend themselves. In this case it is poor women who will suffer. They have never sought out the fathers of these unwanted children and forced them to actually be fathers, pay child support or made them have vasectomies. Women who vote for republicans, like blacks, Jews, Asians and Latinos who do the same, ought to be ashamed of themselves. Democrats need to stop cowering and start attacking republicans on this issue as polls show 60-80% of Americans don’t want to Roe overturned. Republican politicians could care less about Roe, it’s simply another way to rile up their “deplorable “ base. In fact by creating more fatherless black families, possibly leading to hire black crime rates, they will use that as another way to inflame their base. They are liars and disgusting people who could easily destroy our democracy as they lust after more power and money for themselves and their donors.

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“The republican party is and has been for over sixty years racist…”

Republican party is, and has been for decades, exactly what you described. Increasingly so.

But to be fair, going back 60 years is a bit overstating it. 60 years takes us to the height of the civil rights effort. When things like the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 were passed with Republican support over the vehement objections of southern *Democrats*.

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Okay, how about 50.

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Yeah. I’d say the racist shift really started around Nixon and his ‘southern strategy’. I’d put the turn to utter lawlessness and treason starting with Newt Gingrich and his Contract for America sham, and Reagan’s contra crimes.

During Nixon many Republicans in Congress kept their oaths, put country first, and told Nixon he had to go. By Reagan’s and Gingrich’s time (which wasn’t very long later, but it was later) the distain for democracy had set in.

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It seems that republicans, being aware of the large discrepancy of numbers between their voters and Dems, would do anything to enlarge their base which resulted in no policies or governance, but only doing anything within their reach to weaken Dems and win elections. This approach weakened their party to a point at which it was devastated by the tea party and the focused on group’s racism, to a point at which a colossal psychopath was able to manipulate his way to the presidency. He proceeded to run the country the way he ran his crooked real estate company in NY for forty years, surrounding himself with sociopaths, thugs and spineless yes men. Unfortunately for the rest of us, there are no guardrails protecting the country against a criminal in the White House. The system was put in place by men who didn’t envision a common criminal being able to become president. It took a perfect storm of hypocritical evangelicals, a completely unhinged republican party and a weak candidate who ran a poor campaign and russian interference on social media to elect this subhuman.

Sorry to go on so long. I’ll relinquish my soapbox now.

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Not so much a “perfect storm”. That’s a random happening, where several things come together by chance.

The modern treasonous Republican Party is exactly what they’ve been working towards for 40 years. It’s by design, not chance.

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Agreed. But trump winning the election due to his abilities? I think the republican party was astounded that he won. And now I think the rp is a bit like like the dog that catches the car.

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“a vast majority [of the Democratic party] are going to show up and vote for abortion in the final trimester, in the ninth month – in the tenth month where a Mom is literally giving birth.”

It’s a basic tactic Republicans use all the time: When you don’t have a legitimate reply to what was said, then lie about what what was said and argue against that instead.

Actually said: “There have been five accidents at that intersection this month. I think there should be a stop sign at that intersection.”

Republican response: “They want to forbid you to drive on that road. They all want you confined to your house!”

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“For The Last Time: No One Wants To Legalize Infanticide”

If only it were for the last time. But you know it won’t be, not even close.

Remember the “Death Panels” that would come if Obamacare passed?

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