The gay panic law really took traction with the "I slept with this chick and THEN found out it was a dude" defense, claiming the "fight or flight" panic overrode their ability to know right from wrong and resulted in the brutal murder. But in most cases, the defendants cruised for trans women, slept with them, and then committed the murder either A.) when others discovered their dalliance, or 2.) out of simple shame/rage/guilt -- kind of like me ending a 20 day fast of Mountain Dew only to break down today, 30 minutes of delicious day glow caffeine and dopamine, followed by hours of and me chastising myself out of guilt -- just like that, but more murdery.
Honest question for libertarians: what, would you say, is the difference between you and anarchists? (Is it only that you want a minimal state and they no state at all?)
The gay panic law really took traction with the "I slept with this chick and THEN found out it was a dude" defense, claiming the "fight or flight" panic overrode their ability to know right from wrong and resulted in the brutal murder. But in most cases, the defendants cruised for trans women, slept with them, and then committed the murder either A.) when others discovered their dalliance, or 2.) out of simple shame/rage/guilt -- kind of like me ending a 20 day fast of Mountain Dew only to break down today, 30 minutes of delicious day glow caffeine and dopamine, followed by hours of and me chastising myself out of guilt -- just like that, but more murdery.
Guys, I love you, but it's pronounced noo-klee-ar, not noo-kyu-lar.
In the immortal words of the late, great Howard Beale, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"
Honest question for libertarians: what, would you say, is the difference between you and anarchists? (Is it only that you want a minimal state and they no state at all?)
Obviously no difference since anarchy was plastered on the screen behind trump
My money’s still on him getting a suspended sentence. 🤔😉😊