Like George Costanza, I'm betting on 'the opposite.' The one thing Dump excels in is selling crap to people who are stupid enough to buy it--with his name on it. Dump, a malignant narcissist of the highest order, is a highly successful demagogue, and there's a market for that. Despite having completed overtly the worst presidency in US history by the most unqualified person ever to hold office, he got 74 million votes and lost by just a few percentage points (Dems were smart to ensure every ex-con registered and voted 'D'). Trump's losing will be a winner for him. It always is.

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" Dems were smart to ensure every ex-con registered and voted 'D' "

Heh. You're funny.

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If it's all fine by you Bob, I'd much rather not put so much as a penny into this endeavor, and instead continue with the traditional method of letting Drumpf be Drumpf. This latest scheme of his will quickly and spectacularly blow up, like everything else he touches!

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Bob, I think you know if I actually had any income to invest, I'd be right there with you!

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Seeing what Donnie did to other stocks happen to his companies stock is so sweet it deserves to be a dessert at the Cheesecake Factory.

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