Any one even diaper donnie that says they are religious and gets upset because in a church He didn't like what he heard . Went off on a tirade like the little baby he is , he isn't religious never will be . Good for her for looking him and Jd in the face and calling it all out . I am sorry she is getting threats from maga garbage because of it . She is a hero . peace to all
Please keep showcasing our Hero’s! We need to know that there are people in high places willing to speak out against this hideous man-baby. During the Holocaust there were many clergy that tried to help Jews hide and escape from the Nazi’s. Bishop Budde would have been one of them.
Given the options of A) being rich and powerful, or B) being less rich and less powerful but causing harm to someone, they'll take option B every time.
"I can rob someone or I can rob someone AND break their kneecaps? Cool!"
Her woke intersectionality not to mention Christian supersessionism enabled her to lecture us all on the biblical concept of our responsibilities to the stranger living in her land. Did anyone notice that she didn't include the most at risk minority in the US today, Jews.
It’s extraordinary that such a bog-standard Christian message should be considered an act of resistance in today’s United States. It says a lot about the state of that country for those of us who aren’t US citizens or residents.
This woman truly is a child of god, a real Christian with real ethics and real humanity who truly knows the love of God!
She has spoken truth to power. I believe she truly has no place in her heart for anger, revenge, vindictiveness,hatred, bigotry, misogyny, or the vileness Donald Trump shows when he speaks of fellow Americans!
She is a gift to Washington and a gift to the church and a gift to America people from a loving and merciful and righteous, God.
God bless and keep her and all Americans who speak truth to power and stand up for our democracy and who fight to keep us a free people, a free country and a population of free and open minds!
Look for truth in every day, speak that truth to all those you know! Speak out against wrongs from our fellow citizens and stand up for truth in everything we do and we will win and continue to have the most glorious country on earth!
God bless America God bless all Americans. God bless the constitution of the United States of America!
Bishop Budde is America’s hero.
Any one even diaper donnie that says they are religious and gets upset because in a church He didn't like what he heard . Went off on a tirade like the little baby he is , he isn't religious never will be . Good for her for looking him and Jd in the face and calling it all out . I am sorry she is getting threats from maga garbage because of it . She is a hero . peace to all
Please keep showcasing our Hero’s! We need to know that there are people in high places willing to speak out against this hideous man-baby. During the Holocaust there were many clergy that tried to help Jews hide and escape from the Nazi’s. Bishop Budde would have been one of them.
Trump looks like he slept in the yard in that clip. Is that what "alpha males" look up to?
They look up to money, power and, sadly, cruelty.
With that last one coming first.
Given the options of A) being rich and powerful, or B) being less rich and less powerful but causing harm to someone, they'll take option B every time.
"I can rob someone or I can rob someone AND break their kneecaps? Cool!"
The cruelty is the point.
Her woke intersectionality not to mention Christian supersessionism enabled her to lecture us all on the biblical concept of our responsibilities to the stranger living in her land. Did anyone notice that she didn't include the most at risk minority in the US today, Jews.
Absolutely complete respect for Bishop Budde.💙🩵
It’s extraordinary that such a bog-standard Christian message should be considered an act of resistance in today’s United States. It says a lot about the state of that country for those of us who aren’t US citizens or residents.
This woman truly is a child of god, a real Christian with real ethics and real humanity who truly knows the love of God!
She has spoken truth to power. I believe she truly has no place in her heart for anger, revenge, vindictiveness,hatred, bigotry, misogyny, or the vileness Donald Trump shows when he speaks of fellow Americans!
She is a gift to Washington and a gift to the church and a gift to America people from a loving and merciful and righteous, God.
God bless and keep her and all Americans who speak truth to power and stand up for our democracy and who fight to keep us a free people, a free country and a population of free and open minds!
Look for truth in every day, speak that truth to all those you know! Speak out against wrongs from our fellow citizens and stand up for truth in everything we do and we will win and continue to have the most glorious country on earth!
God bless America God bless all Americans. God bless the constitution of the United States of America!
Heroism? The word is… Mediocrity? Mundanity?Hack writer?
I’d say the last one for sure. Hackneyed. Boo
>> "Whenever you’re feeling discouraged, disillusioned, or fearful, just remember: you’re not alone. The heroes of democracy are on duty." <<
They are. And we must make sure they don't stand alone. We can be heroes, too. Small acts count, too, as long as we stand firm and don't back down.